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Graves Hall Mod ([info]gravesmod) wrote,
@ 2010-09-06 22:27:00

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Entry tags:places

Places: Cap Ou Pas Cap

The place of invention. It's proprietor is an inventor (and if someone wants to play him or her they'd be welcome) who trades in his own and other people's inventions.

Samra Chance frequents the shop most every day to chat or trade whatever new and kooky thing she's come up with. Evie Chanson is another frequent customer.

The walls are positively drooping with heavily laden shelves. Though clean, the shop is filled to brimming and there isn't much space left, though inventions come and go at a fairly even pace, so a hole is made and immediately filled.

Not all of the merchandise is properly tested before it leaves the shop, but that never seems to bother the regular customers. The owner also has a selection of spellbound objects, though these are usually less popular than the assorted variety of inventions.

Between Graves Hall and Beyond Evie and Oz Myles purchased Cap Ou Pas Cap. In Beyond Nate Chance runs the shop for the Myleses.

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