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Trynity ([info]jacks_hurricane) wrote,
@ 2008-01-26 18:30:00

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Current location:Den
Current mood: annoyed
Current music:Devil Went Down to Georgia - Charlie Daniels Band

all right....

what the BUH-LOODY hell is up with this new format on the userinfo pages??




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2008-01-27 01:50 pm UTC (link)
I actually like it.

-ducks just in case she decides to throw sharp, pointy objects at her-

I find it better than the huge ass fonts that were glaring at me. That gave me a headche. Plus the style is quite a bit easier on my eyes. :D

And how is my favorite brat sister?

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2008-01-27 03:00 pm UTC (link)

rather than screw with this why can't they make it so we can put piccies on the journal page....like everyone else.....


i'm not well.....some sort of stomach flu.......thing

so yes i'm cranky and not in a good mood at all. but then no sleep for 2 days does that.

-shifty eyes-
but Jack said he's going to take me to see ST today
that might make up for it all.

how be you?

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2008-01-27 03:02 pm UTC (link)
You should be resting hun. :o

I am fine. Annoyed with a slight headache, but fine.

And I got to see ST! :D I have seen it three times already!

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2008-01-27 04:25 pm UTC (link)
i'll rest when i get home.

isn't it a most wonderful movie? i've always like the dvd we have with hearn/lansbury but this....my god.....
i've seen it 27 times. -cackle- four the first day starting from the midnight show. and as for the cd....i bought it that tuesday before the movie cameout....there have bneen TWO CDs i've listened to since Dec 21.
ST and PotC AWE

harry's about ready to pull his hair out. BWAAHAAAA

i can't help it. "My Friends"....sens SHUDDERS down my spine and "Try A Little Priest"....it was funny in the play but it's just freakin fantastic in the movie.

-le sigh-

oh well.....enough ranting about God.

i hope your headache gets better. and give everyone love. i have to continue with RP lessons for Jack. -smirk- he's picked it up rather good too. i saved it for later blackmail. -cackle-

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2008-01-28 04:35 am UTC (link)
I actually have to agree with you. It was good and I have enjoyed it. Mom hasn't seen it yet, but that's due to her being so busy lately. :/ She hardly has time to really enjoy such freedoms.

I have the OST. I haven't sat down to listen to all of it. I have been trying to, but I gave up days ago. So I had Becky pick me up some CDs to burn the music. ST will be the first thing I will burn to listen to.

I haven't gotten rid of my headache. It's worse tonight. I think I may go off and lay down for a bit. Anything to get rid of it.

Mom sends her love!

Love you all!

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