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м є g § ([info]macks) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-01-08 00:30:00

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Entry tags:evan rosier, mackenzie goldstein

No one, not even Sebastian, was able to contain Mackenzie at this point. No, no matter how much he resisted her, and tried to constrain her to him, she refused to let him keep her from finding out what was really going on. And Evan, no no, he was most certainly not keeping her from finding out anything either. Because she knew he knew, she just knew he did. Just like how she knew that he knew what really happened to Orpheus. Because she wasn't completely dense, nor blind. Orpheus, Caradoc and Evan.... oh, well they were Slytherin pureblood boys for Merlin's sake, a random person off the street would most likely be able to guess what they really were. It wasn't hard, just common sense. And up to this point, she had--- well, ignored it almost. Because they wouldn't be that stupid to get involved with something as radical with that, and they were, they were them. The same stupid boys that she had spent all of Hogwarts with! They wouldn't do things like murder, or torture. They just wouldn't.

Taking a deep breath, Mackenzie composed herself to the best of her ability once she approached Evan's doorstep. This was going to be challenging, she knew but, not unachievable. Evan would tell her, he had to, it wasn't some cult secret anymore, Caradoc was missing for heaven's sake! Or possibly even--- she swallowed, completely not accepting the possibility that he might be dead. He couldn't be dead, nothing honestly seemed to--- no.

Caradoc missing, Orpheus in Azkaban... what was happening to them?

"Evan!" Mackenzie's voice rang through his flat as she swung the door open forcefully. "Oh shut up Aegis!" She heard the dog before she saw it, but now, her patience was running thin. The fact that she had rudely barged in did not phase her, nor did her yelling at every living being in the home.

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2009-01-08 07:25 am UTC (link)
The thoughts running through Evan’s mind at the moment were impossible to sift through at the current moment. His state of being was indescribable, since saying that he was pissed off would be the understatement of the century…of the fucking millennium. His knuckles turned white as he gripped at the sides of his sink, not even caring that the pearly white porcelain was now stained with his blood. It wasn’t the first time his apartment would be in shambles because of the Death Eaters; but it was definitely the first time he didn’t think he deserved it. His shoulders were tense, and his entire body was sore from being tossed around like a rag doll, but the inevitable exhaustion that usually followed being tortured hadn’t kicked in just yet. He was supporting himself against that blood covered sink, staring at the stream of water pouring from the faucet. He wasn’t even sure how he had managed to pull his body up from the floor, and drag himself into his bathroom, where he was currently standing. He had cleaned himself up, and had changed out of his blood soaked clothing, but now that he thought about it, there really wasn’t any point to it. He didn’t have too many potions in his cabinet, so he was able to stop most of the bleeding, but his torso and sections of his legs were wrapped in gauze, covered by a loose t-shirt and baggy sweatpants.

His damp hair fell forward as he tilted his head down, shutting his multi-colored orbs, trying to keep his breathing calm. The knuckles of his right hand were covered in crimson liquid, since he had actually punched the mirror moments ago. His history with Caradoc Dearborn kept playing like a film in his mind, trying to find the bits and pieces that would have given him a fucking sign. Was he really that stupid? Was he that foolish, to trust someone who was working against him? The fact that he trusted him at all made Evan’s eye twitch, and it wasn’t until he heard his name being shouted did his thoughts come to a stop.

Blinking his eyes open, his gaze traveled up to the shattered glass fragments that were still left in the frame, distorting his image. The old scar that had been on his cheek for quite some time was now accompanied with another one, making it an X. He had a cut on his lip, and a bruise on his cheekbone…but Death Eaters usually didn’t go much for the face when they tortured people. It’d lead people to ask too many questions. They were minor enough so that they would heal in a few days, but they were still noticeable. The wounds on his body, however…were not so small.

Pushing his hair back as he heard his dog growl and bark at the owner of that voice, he rinsed the blood off of his hands, wrapping up his hand with a bandage, fastening it before he closed the bathroom door behind him, taking his time getting to the main hallway of his flat. Mack hadn’t been able to get much further than that because of the snarling dog. Evan just looked at her, and then down to his Doberman, letting her snap and bark fiercely for a while longer until he finally spoke. “Unten.” His voice was low, and raspy, but it was enough to make the dog completely stop and lay down, like she was instructed. His eyes stayed focused on the canine before he looked back over to Mackenzie. “Do come in, Mackenzie. Make yourself at home.” His voice was laced with sarcasm, not at all amused that she had just decided to barge in like she had. He didn’t want to see anyone; not because he wanted to be alone and mope, but because he was in a shit load of pain, and he wasn’t so sure he would be able to stop himself from causing someone physical harm if he had to deal with them at this time.

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2009-01-08 09:47 pm UTC (link)
Honestly, why Evan thought this dog was necessary to own was beyond her. What, did he think it would do? Besides make her wait in the foyer just a bit away from it (she might be angry, but she wasn't stupid enough to acknowledge that yes, she was pregnant and that fighting off a large dog wouldn't be achievable for her even if she wasn't carrying another person). It was not required; did he think this dog would stop someone from---- oh.

Mackenzie's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped once Evan finally came into her site. The long spiel she had been preparing on the way over here completely vanished from her thoughts, leaving her quiet speechless. His... face, and his hands! And--- she continued to stand there silently for a few more minutes, letting her mind catch up with the new information her eyes were taking in. She dared to peer behind him, eventually noticing that from what she could see, yes his flat looked almost identical to her own, which meant...

"Evan" Mackenzie suddenly moaned, and moved toward him. She was a healer! She could help him, and then, she could yell at him later to get him to tell her what was going on. Because now, certainly, something very bad was going on. For a brief second, as she pulled out her wand to , it occurred to her that maybe she shouldn't ask. She had never asked before, and, well, that seemed to last long enough. But... no, no, this was not the time, this was different, Caradoc--- and Evan (they had attacked him too! Did that mean that he had just... survived, instead of...) were in trouble, so.

"Here, let me," she stated hesitantly, not even sure where to start. No doubt he was in more pain than she could see, but--- this had been a very bad idea. She should have, she should have--- done what? She hadn't even been thinking, she just went and followed the first clear response that came to mind, and--- oh. Mackenzie suddenly felt very sick, everything catching up to her at once. Blinking furiously, she reached for Evan's wrapped hand.

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2009-01-09 07:06 am UTC (link)
The large animal that was previously barking and growling at Mackenzie wasn’t something that he had purchased on his own. She had been a gift from Kalista, that he had decided to keep…and if he was going to have a dog at all, he figured that he might as well train it as a ‘guard dog’, even though it was perfectly possible for someone to stun the pup to get to Evan. She was a good distraction, though. If someone wasn’t expecting her, they were caught off guard by a set of sharp teeth digging into their arm. Aegis knew Mackenzie though, which was why she hadn’t actually attacked her. Actually, the fact that his dog was still alive, and not an ornament hung on his wall was surprising. Perhaps it was because he had locked her in his room before nearly being killed.

Letting out a heavy breath as she spoke his name, he looked down, his fingers curling against his palm, still leaning against the wall. Shouldn’t he have been used to this by now? He looked over his shoulder at the wreckage, only turning back to the brunette when she reached for his hand. Feeling her skin brush against his own made him flinch, and he pulled away, pushing against the wall he had been using for support as he moved further into his apartment. “Don’t bother.” He kicked a few objects out of the way, limping a little before he took a seat on the side of the bookshelf that had been knocked over.

“What did you come here for?” He looked her right in the eye as he spoke, his features even harder than that usually were. It had been said in the past that if looks could kill, a look from Evan Rosier could send you right to the grave. Luckily for Mackenzie, that was just a manner of speech. “I have a horrible feeling that you didn’t barge into my flat to talk about the weather. I also have a feeling that I already know the answer to my own question, but I’m really hoping you prove me wrong about that…because if I’m right, than we’re going to have a problem.” He paused, still scowling. “I already told you I don’t know anything. You should leave now if that’s not an acceptable answer.”

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2009-01-13 10:03 pm UTC (link)
Well-- how was she suppose to leave now? Even if, say, she didn't want to find out what she really came here for, Mackenzie couldn't just leave Evan like this. He was a complete mess, and bleeding (not visibly, but--), broken, and for Merlin's sake he wasn't even walking properly! How in the world did he expect her to just get up and leave him like this? What kind of person would she be to just leave someone in his state simply because he ordered her to? Mackenzie frowned, pulling her hand back toward her chest as he walked away from her.

Then...no! She was a healer for crying out loud, and handled moody and obnoxious women all day for a living. If Evan refused to understand that he needed to get fixed up then--- at least she knew what was best. "Don't be ridiculous," she rushed in a clipped tone, quickly following after him. This time, Mackenzie took Evan's hand much more forcefully. And, and, she was pregnant too, meaning that she could be as pushy as she wanted about this because her back hurt, and she was tired of having to look the other way.

Though just because she now had something to busy herself with did not mean she was able to escape Evan's look. Glare, meaningful scowl-- there really wasn't a word to fully describe it. But whatever it was made Mackenzie coil back for a moment, in fear or shock wasn't really clear. Never before had Evan actually used it on her. Everyone else in the world, yes, she had seen this look nearly a million times before, but--- oh, she had promised herself that she wasn't going to cry.

"Caradoc," Mackenzie mumbled quietly, failing miserably at trying to hide the fact that her eyes were welling up. She blinked furiously in an attempt to stop, but that only resulted in her eyes batting strangely.

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2009-01-14 02:49 am UTC (link)
As soon as she moved towards him, again, he knew that things weren’t going to go the way he desperately wanted them to. He knew that Mackenzie was stubborn; she was a bloody Slytherin so that came along with the title, but he hadn’t ever bothered him more than it was right now. As soon as she grabbed his hand, he felt a surge of pain shoot up his arm, seeing how she had inadvertently tugged on it when she brought his hand up to examine. His fingers were still balled into tight fists, and he tried not to wince because of the discomfort she was causing him. The look on her face made it even worse, because he wasn’t capable of feeling sympathy right now. Usually, on any other day, if he had done something to hurt Mackenzie, whether it be physically or mentally, he would apologize in a heartbeat…or at least try to make up for it, which was an apology for Evan. The words ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘I apologize’ were not part of his every day vocabulary, and when they were used they were usually laced with copious amounts of sarcasm.

His eyes met hers, his jaw locking as she spoke that name. That fucking name, which represented the one person he hated, and wanted to kill more than anything. Others would do, but he wouldn’t be completely satisfied until he had Dearborn’s head on a fucking stick. Maybe he’d send it to Emmeline Vance; it’d be a beautiful wall hanging.

God she had to stop crying, because he wasn’t in the fucking mood for this right now! He couldn’t take a hormonal, pregnant woman, looking down at him with those large, weepy eyes, asking him to tell her where her friend had gone. Where Caradoc had gone. He just fucking couldn’t.

“....I don’t know a God damn thing about Caradoc Dearborn.” The words, which were spoken quietly, and hoarsely (especially that name), weren’t just talking about his location, but had a much deeper meaning.

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2009-06-22 06:31 am UTC (link)
Mackenzie pulled her lips back tightly at Evan's response, trying to purely focus on stopping her tears and fixing his hand. She could only do so much for it here without going to Mungo's, since she sincerely doubted he would go (none of them ever would). And he would never ask her to take anything from the hospital--- which she would end up doing anyway.

"Stand still," she muttered, now reaching for her wand and still refusing to look him in the eye. Eventually her eyes cleared and she could focus on fixing what was left of his hand.

Just a few minutes ago, Mackenzie had wanted to know so badly what was going on, what had happened that she would have done and said anything to find out. She had just felt so entitled to know what was going on... Sebastian had always said that when it came to friends you had a right, but apparently that worked differently with her friends.

But maybe it wasn't such a bright idea to alienate Evan. He was her only chance at getting any information whatsoever (the state of his face and flat reaffirmed that theory). So for now, just focusing on fixing him was important. One friend's dire issue at a time.

"I can get you potions from Mungo's," she stated quietly, finally picking her gaze and wand up to focus on his face.

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