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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-04-15 09:27:00

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*The others are hanging back, observing...and SO HAPPY for both of them*

Kage: *clings a long moment longer then shifts Maru back to study him again, a little grin on his face.*

Zero: ....Why don't you two come with me?

Maru: *gazes back with a similar grin, can't help wondering what Kage's heard of them, if ...if his prototype and mentor is proud of him - to Zero*  Sure, thank you.

Zero: *will take them to the holoroom. Stars is there*

Stars: *spots Maru.* Well, look at you. How's it feel to not be so tiny anymore?

Maru: *grins*  Each form has its advantages.  That said . . . *shrugs, glancing at Kage*  It's easier to look my brother in the eye this way.

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2014-04-15 02:14 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *smirks* Easier to look just a out anyone in the optic when you're more on level with them. *glances at Zero then back at the two ninjas.* Bring them here to fly, Zero?
Zero: I thought they might enjoy that, yes.
Stars: *waves a shooing motion at Zero* Out with you then. I'll take these aparklings under wings for that.
Zero: *grins, and gives a mock bow* I leave them to you then. Have a good flight you three. *he'll go*
Stars: First thing is to choose your terrain. *comes to them with a pad in hand, with a few presses of the screen the room will shimmer and change and they'll find themselves standing in the middle of a field of giant crystals. He offers the pad to Maru (he's closest to Stars)* Swipe your finger across the screen to change the setting. Hand it back when you find some scenery you like.

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2014-04-15 02:34 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *amused* Sparkling? *doesn't know what that is . . . but then he's /staring/ at the crystal field – w-wow…*

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2014-04-15 03:23 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *smirks* It means you're /young/. *and smirk deepens as Maru and Kage gape* Like it. You'll get to see them in person when we get back to Cybertron.
Kage: *scanners still pick up wall, but he's /seeing/ vast open space. W-weird.*

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2014-04-15 03:53 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *might normally play it cool, but…really…* It's beautiful. This is a natural formation on your world?

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2014-04-15 03:56 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *nods* One of several. This one is the largest and most beautiful by far.
Kage: It is beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

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2014-04-15 04:33 pm UTC (link)
Maru: As do I. *to Kage* Shall we explore it now or wait to see the real thing? *waves the pad in his hand*

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2014-04-15 05:03 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *nods at the pad* Let's see if there's somewhere in there we've not seen and will never get to.
Stars: Plenty of places like that.
*And there are /all kinds/ of places. From cities, to landscapes, and Stars will name what planet he collected them from and how likely it is they Braves will ever go there. They'll finally settle on a world full of flying islands. Great mountains and forests cover the land below, great towering cities, like castles, the islands above. It's beautiful and new. When Stars takes the pad back and confirms the choice they ground beneath their feet will take the shape of the imaged ground (and Stars will help stead them if need be), the temperature will change, the air filling with the scents and sounds of the planet. A light breeze blows across the mountain slope where they stand.*
Stars: Ready? We'll have to stay somewhat near each other, we /are/ still in a room deapite what it looks like, so scan for the walls now and then to make sure you don'y get too close to one side or the other, otherwise...let's fly. *he'll jump up and transform, shooting into a circle over their heads.*
*When they follow the ground will drop away beneath them, the air will change with the familiar pressure of air friction and gravity, the air currents might be a little stronger than "normal", but that's only to "hold" them towards the center of the room. The land below will go by as though they're actually there, flying over it. It's...rather amazing.*

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2014-04-15 05:58 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *easily takes his jet form and follows . . . and winds up playing with Kage (and Stars if he'll play back) as well as enjoying the environs*

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2014-04-15 06:16 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *will play with and challenge his brother*
Stars: *wil play with and challenge /both/ of them. He's /good/ and proudly shows off what he knows, pushing them to copy. He /did/ tell DB Seekers were meant for the sky, and he meant it. When they've exhausted themselves Stars will land and wait for them to settle too before turning off the holo, leaving them in a comparatively dim room.* You two aren't bad for being half grounders.

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2014-04-15 07:00 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *exhausted but /happy/, smirks* We were built to be able to operate anywhere – land, air, water, even space.

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2014-04-15 07:23 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *dismissive roll of his wrist.* You're still part grounder, and despite that, you're not half bad in the skies.
Kage: *amused* I think we presented you a bit of a chellenge.
Stars: Ha! I was keeping you both dancing the whole time. *grinning*

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2014-04-15 08:06 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *grinning as well* I guess we'll just have to have another go sometime soon.

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2014-04-15 08:08 pm UTC (link)
Stars: Certainly. I'll make you great fliers yet. Not as great as Seekers maybe, but comparable at least. Can't have you shaming me when we get back to Vos.

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2014-04-15 08:26 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *wry grin* Definitely can't have that. We should include Drill Boy as well, once he's been rebuilt. *knows his teammate's pouting would never cease otherwise…*

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2014-04-15 08:29 pm UTC (link)
Stars: Of course. He's got wings, he'll have to be taught to propey fly as well. *that slarkle in his optic says he's teasing...mostly.*

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2014-04-15 09:21 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *chuckles* He might take exception if it's worded that way.

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2014-04-15 09:39 pm UTC (link)
Stars: He'll just have to prove to me he doesn't need the lessons.

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2014-04-15 09:50 pm UTC (link)
Maru: I look forward to bearing witness to this. *glances at Kage, then small bow to Stars* Thank you for the trip. *to Kage* We should go see what the rest of the team is up to, I think.

((Okay...I go now. Gonna get dinner, then Al's coming over. We're up to the two-parter intro'ing Maru and Kage - FUNNY ENOUGH!!! [that literally /just/ hit me as I typed it LOL] - and he's already pretty hooked! I have to admit, accepting and rolling with all the male-fanservice elements [it's really NOT meant for female viewers 9,9], I really am enjoying Heaven's Lost Property. There's enough of an overarching plot and villains in the shadows to keep me intrigued. And the characters are...LOL "special". Especially some of them. XD))

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