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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-04-18 09:07:00

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Zero: Maybe you'll come to be able to accept this someday. You're all going to see and experience things you could never have imagined before.

Deckard: And we are deeply grateful for the opportunity.

Maru, DB: *oblivious to the convo, having too much fun flying*

Zero: *will slip an arm around Deckard and give him a light snug...*

*The group on the holodeck will finally land. It may just be their imagination, but the three Seekers look more at ease and genuinely happy than they've yet seen.*

DB:  That was /fun/!

Maru: *also looking extremely at ease*

McC: *glad for the distraction and change of topic*  You three are amazing to watch.

Warp: *GRINNING*  Of course we are!

TC: *cuts him a glance but doesn't say anything – to McC*  Thank you.

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2014-04-18 01:35 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *preening* We /are/ Seekers, McCrane.
Zero: *rolls his optics* Careful, McCrane, you'll inflate their ego. *teasing*
Stars: *laughs* You say that like it'd be a bad thing!
Kage: *amused grin, shoulder to shoulder with his brother.*

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2014-04-18 01:42 pm UTC (link)
TC: *wry grin, thumbing at his wingmates* Too late for these two.
Warp: Oh, like /you're/ not Mr. Sky-Superiority, TC.
TC: *confident grin* It's not ego if it's merely the truth.
McC: *grins back* In any case, it's obviously a joy for you.

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2014-04-18 02:19 pm UTC (link)
Stars: It is. There's no greater feeling of freedom than being in the air. ...Would you like to fly, McCrane? *a slight hesitation, kind of surprised at himself for offering* I'll take you, if you want.

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2014-04-18 02:49 pm UTC (link)
McC: *a bit surprised as well – he'd never really thought about it* I . . . I wouldn't want to impose . . . *he thinks he'd kind of like that, though, actually*
PJ: *snickers* Yeah, I'm sure flying as Build Tiger or Super Build Tiger isn't quite the same, huh?

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2014-04-18 02:55 pm UTC (link)
Stars: If it were imposing I wouldn't have offered. *offers his hand to McC, a confident smirk to go with it.*

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2014-04-18 02:56 pm UTC (link)
McC: ………… *takes it* Thank you.

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2014-04-18 03:14 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *smirk widens and he'll lead McC down to the main floor and have him pick a scene (and is looks SO REAL from this view, it's not as realistic from the viewing deck), and then will show McC how to hold himself, arms across his chest, etc. once ready Stars puts his arms around McC and takes off with him.*

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2014-04-18 03:31 pm UTC (link)
McC: */gasps/, going stiff . . . slowly relaxes as he gets used to the sensation . . . W-WOW…*

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2014-04-18 03:42 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *laughs, calling McC "grounder", but will keep it easy until McC relaxes. When he does Stars will get more adventurous with his movements, flipping and rolling, rocking upwards and diving back down. He'll back off if McC seems to not like it, but otherwise he'll give the Brave quite a ride.*

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2014-04-18 03:51 pm UTC (link)
McC: *there are more soft gasps and he braces more times than not . . . but he never complains – he's not an expressive person, but he /is/ enjoying himself*
GM: *watching from the viewing deck with the others . . . okay, he's /got/ to ask Zero if he'll rebuild Gunbike for him…*

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2014-04-18 03:56 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *sees the look on GM's face* Want to go flying next?

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2014-04-18 04:12 pm UTC (link)
GM: *smirks* Think I'd prefer to go on my own turbines than be at someone else's mercy, but thanks.
Duke: Gunbike?
GM: *thumbs up* Got it in one, baby.
Duke: *faint grin, nods*

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2014-04-18 04:44 pm UTC (link)
Zero: Ah. Well, I think you'll be happy to know she's ready for you. *while Stars was resting, he was working....* I'll race you when they're done hogging the holodeck.

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2014-04-18 05:28 pm UTC (link)
GM: *the surprise is clear even with the visor – they'd all figured only their own bodies would be rebuilt, asking for Gunbike or the Roaders was a bit much* You rebuilt Gunbike? *forget flying, he wants to go for a /drive/!*

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2014-04-18 05:48 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *driving was what he meant* *he nods* The other two will have tonwait until we reach Cybertron, but your bike is done. So.../are/ you up for a race Gunmax?

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2014-04-18 06:30 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: That's fine. We appreciate all you've done for us already.
GM: *glances at the Seekers, crosses his arms and gives Zero a wry smirk* Depends. If it's just going to turn into another "I was built better than you from the start," then thanks, but I'll keep my happy delusion that I've got a chance. *not /about/ to jump into the same humiliation DB just did*

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2014-04-18 06:35 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *chuckles* Honestly? I don't know which of us may be better in the road. I'd be interested in finding out, though, if you are.

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2014-04-18 07:07 pm UTC (link)
GM: *studies him a moment . . . the mech's not been one to lead them astray yet, he's never /seemed/ the duplicitous type . . . finally he shrugs and nods* Sure, I think we can arrange that. How /acrobatic/ are you, though? *he pulls crazy stunts on his bike just for a /warm-up/*
Deckard: *chuckles at that – to Zero* Gunmax has a tendency to not actually /stay/ on the road, necessarily.
GM: *shrugs again* Hey, I go wherever I need to.

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2014-04-18 07:15 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *soft laugh* Sounds like fun.
Stars: *steps in, preening a bit* Who's next?
Zero: We are. *motions to himself an GM*
Stars: ?! *mild frown* I can't carry both of you at once. *glances at his wingmates, one of them joining again?*
Zero: *shakes his head* We'll be deiving this round. You know how us grounders can be, Stars. XD
Stars: Oh, that. If you say so. *waves a dismissive hand and heads for a dispenser for fuel.* Don't let him run you over, Zero.
Zero: I'll try, Stars. I don't know how good he is, so I guess we'pl see what happens. *nods for GM to follow him* C'mon, let's get your bike and see how this goes.

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2014-04-18 08:04 pm UTC (link)
GM: I promise not to leave him /too/ far in the dust. *two-finger salute as he follows Zero out*
McC: *subdued…but /does/ have a small grin on his face, he really did enjoy that*
*PJ and Dmps start grilling him about the experience. Finally, TC offers that he and Warp will take them when Zero and GM are done.*

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2014-04-18 08:39 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *lead GM to the room GB and the mini-GB/BP/Roaders are being kept in. He motions for GM to get the bike* Just don't ride it in the hall, walk it back, or Karaf will have you sceubbing the floors of the entire ship, ask Warp if you think I'm exagerating. *wry...but also serious.*

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