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t h o m a s ➽ mccormack ([info]thomases) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-06-10 21:23:00

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Entry tags:dimitri thomas, floo call, gabrielle thomas

Who: Gabriel and Dimitri Thomas
What: He's gonna be home late again...
Where: Phone!
When: Tonight, 8:30PM


Gabriel: [Sounds a little tired] "Hello?"

Dimitri:"Gaby! I didn't think you'd be asleep yet, what time is it?"

Gabriel: "I wasn't sleeping...I haven't had the chance to sleep since since yesterday. Dean kept me up all night again, but he seems to be settling down now... And, it's 8:30. [Pause] Where are you?"

Dimitri:"Oh. Yeah I'm sorry about---last night, it's been madness over here, and--is Dean still up?"

Gabriel: "It's alright. He's still up, for now...I'm going to put him down at 9, so hopefully he'll sleep through the night. [Sighs a little, since she's just a little bit overwhelmed.] Are you going to be home tonight? [Sounds a little hopeful.]"

Dimitri:"Aha, I wish he could talk, do you think he'd like hearing my voice? I mean, I--well I don't think I'll be home before nine, I mean, and I feel bad about not saying good night and---maybe eleven? I'll be home by eleven, I think."

Gabriel: "[Quietly] Oh...alright. [Pause] You know...you can still say good night to him, if you'd like...even if he can't talk, I know he'd love to hear his father's voice. Would you like to?"

Dimitri:"Yeah of course! [long pause, softer] I'm really sorry about this, Gaby, I mean it. I don't want to be stuck here, things are just--rough."

Gabriel: "I know, baby... If you could be here, you would.... I understand. Now...let me get Dean for you. [There's the sound of the phone being placed down on the counter, and he can hear Gaby in the background, although her voice is a little muffled.] Come here, my little darling... [The sound of a baby gurgling can be heard, as she picks him up and brings him over to the phone. She picks it up again.] Dimitri? Are you still there?"

Dimitri:"Hey boy, you're gonna be good for Mama, right? Yes? Yeah? That's cool, Dean, I'll remember that for when you've got a girlfriend---Okay, good night, I'll see you later, D-Man. [takes a few very deep breaths] Yeah I'm here, he's got a mouth on him like his pops."

Gabriel: "[Smiles] So he's going to be trouble when he's older, hm? Is that what you're saying?"

Dimitri:"[Laughs] Oh, loads. S'long as he snags a pretty lady like his mum, I think he'll be all right."

Gabriel: "[you can basically hear her rolling her eyes, even though she's laughing a little.] Is that all it'll take?"

Dimitri: "She'll keep him in line, keep him on the right track."

Gabriel: "She sounds like a pretty amazing woman. He'll be very lucky to have her. [Smiles again.]"

Dimitri:"Luckiest man on Earth! [pause] Damn, okay, I have to go, but--I'll be home before eleven, I promise."

Gabriel: "[A little upset.] So soon? [Sighs] Alright, alright... I'll see you at eleven. Don't be afraid to wake me up when you come home...I want to see you."

Dimitri:"Can I wake you up in the fun way?"

Gabriel: "[smirks] The fun way, hm? [Pause] I think I'd like that."

Dimitri:"[loud laughter] I look forward to it, babe, I've got to run, I love you! Loads and loads. And loads."

Gabriel: "[laughs as well.] I love you too, baby, more than you know. I'll see you later."

Dimitri:"See you later, babe [click]"

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