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adelaide & andre ([info]healers_leap) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-06-22 18:25:00

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Entry tags:adelaide jordan, andre jordan

Who: Jordans!
What: :[ Angstyness?
When: A week after the order meeting

When she had found out she was pregnant, Adelaide had made the promise that she would always be home to make breakfast and dinner for her son. Didn't matter if it was just a bowl of cereal or bowl of soup, she was going to prepare it, and Lee was going to know that no matter what, his mother would be there during those times. She hadn't missed a meal yet, and she was currently slicing the carrots so hard for dinner that the wooden cutting board was slamming against the ceramic tiles.

Slam! Slam! Slam!

Carrots usually weren't this infuriating. Surrounding circumstances were making them irritating.

Stupid Andre and his stupid---secret----Order.

Adelaide was confused, and she hated it. It wasn't as if she was actually infuriated! She just didn't know if she should be or not, because part of her was screaming for him to stay out of the war, and the other part, the very Gryffindor part, was ready and raring to go and fight the good fight.

But then there was this other part that---

She heard doors opening and baby babbling, and Adelaide quickly swiped the carrots into the bowl and proceeded to mash the unmashed potatoes.

Andre didn't like it when he didn't know what kind of mood Adelaide was going to be in. It was always easier to handle if he knew she was mad at him. Then he at least knew what to expect. He opened the front door carefully to be greeted by his babbling son.

"Hey there." He said with a grin scooping Lee up into his arms. "Is mum cooking dinner? Oh that's good. I hope I haven't put her into a terribly bad mood." Andre bounced Lee a little in his arms while having his one way conversation. Always in a happy tone when talking to Lee. "Alright, well you seemed to be happy here playing with your toys, Mum and I will be right in the kitchen watching you, but of course you know that." Andre put him back down on his play mat before making his way into the kitchen.

"Adelaide?" he called tentatively as he walked into the other room. "I got off early." he said as he came behind her and kissed her softly on her temple. She didn't have a knife in her hand so that was good, especially if she was angry.

Why did men think it was okay to act like nothing was wrong and go on with their day? No she did not want him to kiss her, and no, she did not care that he got off work early. No! Adelaide did not want to deal with him right now! This man, her husband had decided that it would be a great idea to join some vigilantes! To fight in this war! They were perfectly fine, why did he have to fight?

Because we might not always be fine.

Adelaide wasn't dumb. As much as she liked to ignore things that annoyed her, she couldn't hide from the fact that the war was getting worse and who knew how life would be tomorrow. She was content with dealing with babies, who had no worries or concerns in life other than being fed and held. If everyone lived like babies, well---the world would be strange, but it would be much, much nicer.

She really had to stop hanging around all these babies.

"What do you want to eat?" she asked stuffily.

Ok so she wasn't angry but she wasn't happy either. Andre sighed as he sat down on one of the bar stools. He was very tempted just to say he wasn't hungry but since she was already cooking that would be a bad idea. "I'll have whatever you feel like making..."

He sat taking in the silence for a few minutes before speaking again. "Look, Addy, I don't want you to be mad at me. I know this isn't exactly a safe thing to do but its the right thing. And Potter said I probably wouldn't be doing much fighting anyways. Just fixing up the wounded so people at Mungo's don't start asking questions. That and finishing Potter's training on the side. Besides I know better than to do anything really dangerous without clearing it with you first. I mean if you don't want me to do this then just say the word and I'll tell them I'm out."

He watched Adelaide as she worked on Lee's dinner. "You and Lee are the more important than anything else in this world and I'd hate for anything to take me away from you, but can't you understand at least a little why I want to do this?"

Adelaide glared hard at the counter, frowning so deeply that her cheeks were being sucked in, that her neck muscles tightened up. She and Andre had always had a great understanding of things, they were able to read each other's minds and know how to get the other to agree to their ways. Maybe that's what was bugging her so much; she couldn't let herself be convinced by his words.

She put down the spoon rather hard, pressing her knuckles into the table as her other hand pushed into her hip.

"Don't you dare put this on me," she hissed, her eyes flickering over to where Lee was playing. How could he even think that it would be okay to lay this decision on her shoulders? Either she forces him to stay out of a situation he could be a valued part of, or her husband was killed in some freak accident because he was somewhere he shouldn't be. That wasn't fair!

"This is not my decision, Andre, you're the one that's going to be---" She choked on her words for a second, feeling uncharacteristically teary. Adelaide looked away and back into the bowl, "It's your decision."

"I know that! I know this is my decision! But It's a big decision that effects all of us. So I am trying to include you in it. Would it make you happier if I just went and did this and didn't bother to give you an opinion, or even tell you at all?"

Andre stood up knocking the chair back with the sudden movement. How could she even think that he was trying to put this all on her. He valued what she thought and always took what she said seriously. This wasn't just him asking her and then doing what ever the hell he wanted anyways.

"Fine. It's my decision, so I'm going to do this. They need an experience healer and Diggle can't do half the things I can. And Potter deserves a chance to finish his education even if it is unofficially. So yea I'm going to do this." Andre had crossed his arms over his chest at some point in his little speech. How could she not understand. He sighed in resignation. He had made his decision and he wasn't going to fight with her anymore, he might as well go get his pillow and grab a blanket because he was pretty sure he was going to be sleeping on the couch tonight.

Adelaide's head had shot up to stare at Andre once she heard the tense tones of his words. Her mouth tightened, her grip on the spoon becoming stronger and stronger. She was sure the metal was going to break within her hand, but she didn't feel strong. The tears welling up in her eyes completely eliminated the mere idea of standing strong against Andre and this crazy decision to join the war efforts.

Oh, God, she was going to cry.

"That was easy, wasn't it," she said hoarsely, nearly jumping out of her skin as a few tears escaped. Adelaide dropped the utensil to the floor and rushed past Andre, sweeping Lee up off the carpet and to the bedroom. There was absolutely no way that she could stand this, right now. She was going to go to her mother's, that's what she was going to do. Holy hell! She'd never had to run to her mother's. That's what happened to couples who didn't know what the hell they were doing! They weren't like that!

But she didn't know what the hell to do!

Andre's eyes went wide as she turned and left the room. Seriously, seriously?! He followed after her only to find that she had picked up Lee along the way. Was she planning on leaving? How could she be so mad at him. He asked for her opinion, told her that he wouldn't do it if she didn't like it and then she gets mad saying its hischoice, so he makes the decision and she runs off.

He followed her into the bedroom opening the door only seconds after she had shut it. "Where are you going? You're just going to run off because you don't like my decision? Which wasn't easy by the way, I've been thinking this over days." Andre was angry. He almost never got angry at his wife but he was trying his best here to understand what she was thinking, to be considerate about how she would feel about what he was planning on doing but she was just shutting him down every step of the way, making him the perpetual bad guy.

"You've got to let me in on something because I can't read your mind. You've said all of three sentences to me and none of them tell me how you feel."

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2009-07-09 01:04 am UTC (link)

Adelaide felt her chest heave with the great breaths she needed to regain some composure after her bellowing, but it didn't look like she was going to manage it. She rarely got loud, just fast and rapid fire words usually shot out of her mouth because that is what she found intimidating; being able to speak so quickly and eloquently that your opponent knew you weren't fucking around. Yelling was---it was a last resort, and that's what Adelaide had felt this had become.

She felt trapped. She was trapped, because Andre had already made his decision and she couldn't do a damn thing about it, no matter how much he wanted her opinion on the matter. He'd gone to the meeting, he'd already defended himself, so---so did he really think that he was giving her any sort of say?

Adelaide stopped pushing clothes into her bag, her heavy breaths not feeling as if they were going to stop any time soon.

"You chose to go to that meeting, you decided that working alongside these...they're vigilantes, Andre, and----" Adelaide looked up at her husband, finally, annoyed that she couldn't force her tears back any long, "I did the tests on the Potters, I saw how---how badly their bodies were messed up, when they were trying to conceive---you cannot promise me that you won't end up like them and----and you----you think it's just----so----simple!"

Adelaide pushed her face hard into her hands, her crying intensifying. She wanted to keep talking, but it was just too hard, "It's---not just----fixing p-p-people!"

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2009-07-13 10:19 am UTC (link)
Andre was taken aback as Adelaide when started yelling at him and then she started crying. Not just simple tears but almost sobs that interrupted her speech and hell. What was he suppose to do with that? Adelaide never cried.

"I--I didn't chose them, Adelaide" Andre stepped towards her tentatively. He gently pulled her hands from her face and brushed her tears away replacing her hands with his on her cheeks.

"I didn't mean it in that way, I would never--You and Lee always come first. But just like you've said, you've seen the Potters, don't you see then just how much they need me? I---It's something I feel that I need to do." He took he hands from her face. Maybe she just wouldn't understand. Maybe she just needed time to think this threw.

"And you should stay, if you need space---I should be the one that goes."

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