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tristan || gideon ([info]gideon) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-07-03 14:16:00

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Entry tags:gideon prewett, glenda prewett

Gideon loved his family. He loved having them with him and he loved that they hadn't gone through with the idea of sending them into hiding. Gideon didn't love that Gleny was back in the limelight and more popular than ever. It made him sick to his stomach every day when Gleny said good-bye to work. What if something happened and he wasn't there? What if she died for real this time? What would Gideon do then? Even though it made him sick, it had been her choice and Gideon got to spend a lot of time with his son, who was just nearly ready to walk.

They were in the living room, Tristan was on his back, freshly changed and quietly waking up from his nap. Tristan was trying to focus on his dad, who was lying on his side, dividing his attention between Tristan and the random whatever was on television. When the little boy rolled over and stuck his butt up in the air (or rather, Gideon's nose) Gideon laughed and offered his hand to help Tristan stand up.

"Nah?!" Tristan asked, in a near shriek, tugging on Gideon's shirt to pull himself upright. He was alright standing, so long as he had something to old onto, and Gideon was just the right size on his side for Tristan to side-step along him and still have something to hold onto.

"She's at work," Gideon said, sure he was talking about Gleny. "Do you wanna go see Aunt Molly and cousins today?"

"Nananana." Gideon didn't know how one sound could mean more than one thing, but obviously it did to Tristan. Gideon just patted Tristan's butt and handed him a cracker from the package he'd been eating. Tristan waved it about with a half-toothless grin. "Nah!"

"Mummy's at work, Tristan. Here, let's work on these walking muscles. You have to learn to walk before you can fly, that's the rule. Just don't tell mummy that daddy took you around the yard on his broom last week," Gideon said as he twisted around with Tristan in his arms so he was sitting with his legs stretched out and feet pressed against the couch with Tristan holding onto the couch cushion.

"Come on boy, yes okay eat the cracker first but we wanna show mummy later don't we?" Gideon asked as Tristan took a little bite of the cracker and waved it at him. "You're so close, I'm right here." Tristan said in a soothing tone and holding his hands out for the toddler.

Tristan looked sceptical of Gideon's words (as sceptical as an 11 month old can) but reached out his hands to Gideon's, which were just out of his reach with still holding onto the couch. The door opened as Gley came in and Tristan squealed, "NAH!" and took a couple of steps to Gideon, standing there between Gideon's legs looing between the both of him and just holding onto his cracker as Gideon looked up at Gleny with a grin.

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2009-07-05 05:51 pm UTC (link)

Gleny couldn't help herself, that was her son standing there, all by himself in front of her like it was nobody's business. This was big! Huge! And she had been lucky enough to be home just in time to see it--- unless this was something that he and Gideon had mastered already earlier in the day and now they were just practicing. But Gleny would like to assume that that wasn't the case, even if it was.

She dropped everything in he hands to the ground, too excited to continue to stand where she was and simply stare. "I'm so proud of you!" Gleny squealed as she scooped Tristan off the ground and into her arms. It occurred to her after she had him in her arms and giving him kisses that she probably should have left him on the ground to do more walking, but too late now. Standing was definitely a good enough accomplishment for now in her book!

"Can you say mummy too? What about daddy?" Tristan let out a long squeal of a laugh as she pressed her nose to his. Gleny finally tore her gaze away from her son to smile sunnily at Gideon. What a good end to the day! She didn't wait any longer to go up on the tip of her toes for a quick peck on the lips as a welcome home. And perhaps a mini reward for helping Tristan.

It wasn't until Tristan grabbed onto a piece of her hair that she remembered it was back to blonde. "Do you like Mommy's new hair?" Gleny asked, smiling first at her son but then looking back to her husband. She wasn't sure how comfortable Gideon would feel about the change-- hopefully their son's big achievement would distract Gideon enough to be fine with everything.

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2009-07-08 09:40 am UTC (link)
Gideon pulled himself up to a standing position as Gleny took the baby away, but he was grinning. Even though it was only for a short time, Gideon was certainly proud of him and it was a giant step for him, as a toddler. He stepped closer to Gleny and kissed her back, rubbing Tristan's back as he did so. "Such a good, big boy! Next you'll be chasing Monsieur. Well, not that he's that hard to catch," Gideon said, glancing over at the giant cat that was asleep on a pile of clothes.

When Tristan pointed out the hair, Gideon grinned wider. He had liked the dark hair, certainly. It was mysterious and what not, and still Gleny, but her blonde locks were something that Gideon loved about her and he was defiitely alright with hving those back. "Did you do something different to your hair today?"

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2009-07-09 02:49 am UTC (link)
Poor Monsieur, it wasn't his fault that he was extremely overweight. It was Gideon's, he was the one who fed the cat these days. Gleny was only guilty of perhaps feeding him when they first got him. Buzzer was a completely normal size, and she had him since second year at Hogwarts. So.

"You could definitely run faster than Monsieur, right Tristan?" Gleny asked with a bright face, taking a moment to flatten out her child's hair on his head. His beautifully growing blonde hair, she might add. As much as she knew Gideon had wanted to keep the red hair going in the family, Gleny had secretly all along wanted Tristan to be blonde. And so far, it was working out for her. There was nothing wrong with being a redhead, of course. She just wanted her child to epitomize the idea child from the get go. Which included blonde hair.

Speaking of blonde hair... "Yes!" Gleny responded instantly, too excited about it to play coy or intelligent. Not that she hadn't liked her darker hair, it had been wonderful! But there was a different feeling she had about herself with her blonde hair. It was just more... her. She had always liked her hair the most out of her features, and she was happy to be back to normal. "Just a little bit, I think," she smiled wide. "Do you like it?

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