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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-04-28 10:14:00

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*TC will have no problem finding his way out. The house is a decent sized house, not huge, not small, decorated in a nice way, nothing fancy. The yard has a small crystal garden and a low fence for a bit of privacy from any passersby, but they're not really close to any other buildings. There is yet another small Seeker, another femme, this time a light blue, tending to the garden. She looks up and gives him a smile, nod, and soft "hello" of greeting then bends back to her work. TC can take off easily to go find his wingmates.*

TC: [the first little Seeker femme was right, he needs fuel . . . if he /knows/ he can get it here, he'd be stupid to leave, but he also doesn't trust it not to be spiked with something, these people have /got/ to have some kind of agenda they're hiding . . . he'll find a hiding spot on or just outside of the property and tuck himself away to start pinging his wingmates]

Stars: //Where have you been?!// *angry with worry* //I've been trying to reach you all night!// *agitated and worried....TC will pick up that Warp was shot, he's not in good shape...*

TC: //Just regained consciousness about a breem ago.  Where are you?  ...how's Warp?//

Stars: //..........he’s dying.// *over the bond TC can feel his fierce determination that Warp will /not/ die!  He’s going to be /fine/, fraggit! ...But he’s not stupid, he knows Warp needs help if he’s going to be okay...* //We're in an alley in the middle of the city somewhere.  Where are you?// *just outside of a house outside of town...*

TC: *low curse, hesitates*  //Can he be moved?//

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2014-04-28 02:30 pm UTC (link)
Stars: //He’s going to have to be. ...The polices are getting closer, and Warp will need help...soon.// *from where he’s not sure, but...he’ll figure someone out. A null ray threatening a medic’s head should do it...even if his damned collar is keeping the riffle from being functional.*

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2014-04-28 02:42 pm UTC (link)
TC: //If you don't move, how long until you're found, do you figure?// *the feeling Stars is getting from his second is that he.../might/...know who can help...if he dares trust them with his trine...thinks he might /be/ able to, but of course they have to be cautious of /everyone/*

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2014-04-28 02:46 pm UTC (link)
Stars: ..............//Quarter joor, maybe half.// *as much as he doesn’t want to risk trusting anyone, he trusts his second’s judgment. If TC decided to trust someone he knows it’s because he has really good reason to believe he /can/ trust*

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2014-04-28 03:04 pm UTC (link)
TC: ……………//Let me see what I can do.// *reluctantly pulls himself back out of hiding . . . and heads for the house again, shoving down the nervous trembling, /determined/ and fortifying himself with fury that they must live like this at all*

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2014-04-28 03:09 pm UTC (link)
Femme: *looks up again when he comes back into sight* You came back. *she smiles and stands to come a little closer, she won't get anywhere within /his/ reach, the impression is more of giving him room.* Is there something I can do for you?

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2014-04-28 03:14 pm UTC (link)
TC: ……………… you people will help any injured slave, no questions asked, no calling the authorities, is that right?

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2014-04-28 03:49 pm UTC (link)
Femme: *looks a little shocked by his question, but she nods* Yes.

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2014-04-28 05:06 pm UTC (link)
TC: *studies her a moment longer . . . finally admits* My wingmates are still out there. My trine leader is badly injured . . . and our third is dying. *please PLEASE don't you people betray him and his wingmates after all!*

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2014-04-28 05:15 pm UTC (link)
Femme: *shocked!* Will you tell us how to find them? I can't promise we'll be able to save your third, but I promise we'll do all we are able for him.
Song: *steps out with a cube* Fuel while you talk. You'll need to be up for coming with us, at least I assume you'll want to come...?

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2014-04-28 05:36 pm UTC (link)
TC: ……………. *still braced, glancing between the two* And I assume this isn't going to somehow come back to shoot us in the afts…? *he'd…rather let his wingmate die than see him betrayed and dragged back into slavery, same with Stars, much as he doesn't want to /lose/ either of them*

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2014-04-28 06:04 pm UTC (link)
Song: I can't promise you nothing else bad will happen to you mech, but it won't come from us here.
Wing: *steps into view behind her* You truly are safe with us, friend.

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2014-04-28 06:14 pm UTC (link)
TC: *snorts, reacting on reflex* No such place. *pauses, studying the three of them . . . two mini femmes but still /Seekers/, and this other mech who's very /name/ makes him want to trust him . . . finally drops to his knees and folds over* Please . . . my wingmates have /maybe/ a half-joor before they're likely found by the police, and our third probably doesn't even have that long left at all. We'd /rather/ die than be sent back . . . but . . . I-I don't want to lose my trine. Please… *exhaustion, fear, and lack of fuel might be talking more than anything – or at least leading him to /admit/ to more than he normally would – but right now he doesn't care, he doesn't want to lose his trinemates*

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2014-04-28 06:16 pm UTC (link)
Song: Get up mech, drink this cube and show Wing here to your wingmates. We'll do all we can to take care of them.
Wing: *will step up to TC and gently draw him to his feet.*

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2014-04-28 06:29 pm UTC (link)
TC: *starts to cringe and pull away when Wing approaches, but he catches himself, letting the mech pull him up, accepts the cube with a soft thanks and…and just about /inhales/ it*

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2014-04-28 06:41 pm UTC (link)
Wing: *will give him a moment* Feeling up to flying or do you need more fuel?

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2014-04-28 06:51 pm UTC (link)
TC: I'm fine, sir. Thank you. *REALLY could use more, but he knows better than to ask for it and he /can/ make himself function on this much…plus he's anxious for his wingmates*

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2014-04-28 06:53 pm UTC (link)
Wing: *studies him a moment then pulls another cube from subspace.* Drink it down and then we'll go. I'll follow you.

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2014-04-28 07:00 pm UTC (link)
TC: *accepts it, bowing his head a little* Thank you, sir. */downs/ it . . . well, about half, /makes/ himself stop before he finishes it so he has some to offer to his trine leader*

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2014-04-28 07:07 pm UTC (link)
Wing: *nods at the cube* If you need it, drink it. I have more for your wingmates.

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2014-04-28 07:22 pm UTC (link)
TC: ………. *nods and /hungrily/ finishes off the second cube, is ready to go now*

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2014-04-28 07:50 pm UTC (link)
Wing: *accepts back the empty cube and hands it off to the blue femme* Lead the way.

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