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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-05-05 08:36:00

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Wing: *nods* Defense and the arenas...can't say I approve of the later reason, but it's an honest one, and as that seems to be your choice way of income, it's an acceptable one. I'll teach you.

Warp: Well, hey, at least the arenas are /honest/ fighting, with rules an' stuff. Not like that gang tried ta pull.

TC: *to Stars and Warp* //I imagine if you two decide to go back to the arenas, you'll have to learn to fight as a pair instead of a trio.// *just...letting them know*

Wing: *nods* It is. It's not too unlike the tournaments different training establishments use to test their students. *except not everyone follows the rules and some fights are to the death.*

Stars: *wings /flick/* And what about my Second, Wing? Will he be allowed to join us? He'd be earning his keep for you...

TC: *wants to speak up, not sure he should...just keeps his gaze down*

Warp: Yeah...we need him. We're a trine. And he's /good/. He'll earn ya a /lot/ of money.

Wing: ......*studying TC.* ...I don't need the money, but I'm not going to break up trine either. If he wants to join you, that is his choice.

Stars: *mollified. He nods* Good.

TC: *glancing at Song, to Wing*  If you don't personally need it, let it benefit the household.  I'm sure Song and her trine could use it too.  It could also be a thank-you for all the work in saving us.

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2014-05-05 01:20 pm UTC (link)
Wing: You don't need to thank us for helping you.
Song: He's right. We don't need your money. What you make will be yours. *glances at Wing to see it he'll agree.*
Wing: *nods* I'm not going to take away what you earn, Thundercracker.

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2014-05-05 01:38 pm UTC (link)
TC: *shrugs* It's not mine to begin with.
Warp: *excited as he turns to Stars* Oh right! We get to keep what we win now! *he kind of knew that before, but this is the first time it's /really/ hit him…*

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2014-05-05 01:47 pm UTC (link)
Wing: You'll have earned it, so it'll be yours.

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2014-05-05 02:00 pm UTC (link)
TC: *starts to comment – he owns /nothing/, not even himself, let alone any earnings – but he just…nods* Thank you, sir.

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2014-05-05 02:10 pm UTC (link)
Wing: *is highly aware of the legalities, but that doesn't mean he's going to take away what TC earns.* C'mon, let 's go fuel.

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2014-05-05 02:24 pm UTC (link)
*The Seekers nod and move to follow*

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2014-05-05 03:10 pm UTC (link)
*they'll fuel and Wing will leave to see what details he can get from Zero regarding TC's file and what things...must be done. Is it really true that if TC isn't abused he could be taken away from Wing and sold to another? He just...needs to know. At the house they Seekers and mini-Seekers will sit around and chat. Dream is cuddled up to Warp's side, and Storm is sitting between Dream and TC, maybe even leaning into the bigger Seeker a little. And Song, is likely facing Stars and talking science at him. She saw that spark of interest when she mentioned what she does and is seeing what kind of knowledge and potential he might have.*

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2014-05-05 03:30 pm UTC (link)
*TC will drape an arm a bit around Storm if he seems to want it (and…h-he kind of likes it too, not that he's letting himself really think about it). Warp is /happy/ to have Dream cuddled with him, but the science talk goes /way/ over his head and he gets bored, so he'll start telling Dream – and Storm if he wants – stories about the trine's exploits in the arenas. MUCH more interesting, right? TC is just silently listening to both conversations, back and forth.*

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2014-05-05 03:40 pm UTC (link)
Storm: *tucks to TC, glad for the snuggle. And yeah, he's listening to Warp's stories.*
Dream: You three have done a lot together. How did you escape your last master?

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2014-05-05 03:44 pm UTC (link)
Warp: */shudders/ - the reaction might be enough to catch Stars' attention even* It . . . it wasn't easy, that's for sure.
TC: Long planning and careful timing . . . and a little fortune.
Warp: I can't believe we managed to get our /wings/ back first.

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2014-05-05 03:48 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *stops mid question to look at his wingmates.* It's thanks to that one mech, Geargrinder? He's why we got out with out wings. *Gear was caught when they ran...*

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2014-05-05 03:51 pm UTC (link)
Warp: *shifts uncomfortably, feeling guilty*
TC: I wonder if there's some way to convince Master's friend Subzero to help him too. *to the minis* Geargrinder was caught. He covered for us. We . . . we had to leave him behind or we'd /all/ just be recaptured.

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2014-05-05 04:19 pm UTC (link)
Stars: ......He was a good mech. *he doesn't often admit thinking such things*

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2014-05-05 04:23 pm UTC (link)
Warp: *gazing at his hands in his lap* Yeah . . . he was always nice to us, even when no one else was. He looked out for us.
TC: *quietly* I'll talk to Master when he gets back.

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2014-05-05 04:33 pm UTC (link)
Dream: *HUGS Warp* I hope they can get him out. *meaning Zero and whoever he works with.*

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2014-05-05 04:35 pm UTC (link)
Warp: *kind of wraps around her, upset now* Yeah . . . me too . . .

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2014-05-05 04:40 pm UTC (link)
Dream: *will crawl into his lap to snuggle*
Wing: *come in...and stops* What's wrong?

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2014-05-05 04:48 pm UTC (link)
Warp: *curls around her, wings quivering, /jumps/ when Wing comes in, head snapping up with an initial look of "Ah!" like he's in trouble before he recovers* N-nothin'…
TC: ………..*glances at his wingmates, then stands and comes over to Wing, sinking to his knees with head down* Sir, we . . . my wingmates and I, we have a favor to ask. Of…of your friend, actually.

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2014-05-05 04:52 pm UTC (link)
Dream: *coos comfortingly at him.*
Wing: *looks around at the other two before kneeling and resting a hand on TC, trying to gently guid him upright.* You mean Subzero?

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2014-05-05 05:04 pm UTC (link)
Warp: *hunches and looks away when Wing looks at him*
TC: *soft flinch at the touch before he's moving as directed* Yes, sir.

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2014-05-05 05:13 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *stiff, watching.*
Wing: *worried* Will you tell me what the problem is?

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2014-05-05 06:03 pm UTC (link)
TC: *explains about the conversation, about how they escaped, how they'd been helped…and now their companion and fellow slave is likely paying for their loss* Do . . . do you think Master Subzero would be able – willing – to help one more slave?
Warp: Hey, if he can't be freed, maybe . . . maybe me an' Stars can take him on? *looks at Stars, hopeful*

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2014-05-05 06:07 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *wings quiver at the thought of owning another, but he gives a nod*
Wing: *studies the three* If he cannot, or will not, for whatever reason, I will.

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2014-05-05 06:10 pm UTC (link)
Warp: *doesn't like it either – actually he kinda hates it – but if it'll help Gear…*
TC: */bows/* Thank you.
Warp: So . . . where'd /you/ go, anyway?

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2014-05-05 06:15 pm UTC (link)
Wing: I went to talk to Subzero about Thundercracker. I wanted to know if I could lose him if it was discovered that I was being too kind to him.

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2014-05-05 06:20 pm UTC (link)
Warp: Huh? Why? Never mind…/how/?
TC: *gaze dropped at the mention . . . he doesn't bother (more like can't make himself) answer aloud, but he shares the gist of the conversation and concern with his trinemates over the sparkbond*
Warp: */winces/* Oh… *looks at Stars, then to Wing* Well . . . could you?

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2014-05-05 07:08 pm UTC (link)
Wing: Short answer is no, long answer is that it's complicated and someone could cause issues if they really wanted to.

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2014-05-05 07:16 pm UTC (link)
TC: ………Master Oilslick…among others I can think of. *glances at Stars*

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2014-05-05 07:45 pm UTC (link)
Wing: ....I doubt he'll cause much trouble. He's afraid of Subzero. *hard to tell what he feels about that.*

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2014-05-05 08:03 pm UTC (link)
Warp: Oh, he wouldn't do it himself. He'd hire someone else ta do it.

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2014-05-05 08:28 pm UTC (link)
Wing: ....*normally he'd agree, but he knows the reputation his friend has made for himself....and going in to take another slave from Oil? He doubts the mech will have the struts to do anything... Instead he gives a nod.* Well, if we're going to rescue your friend we best call Subzero.

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