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adelaide & andre ([info]healers_leap) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-09-17 12:37:00

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Entry tags:adelaide jordan, andre jordan

Okay, what Andre had said was harsh, but it was true.  And he was never know to sugar-coat things.  He really did understand her grief.  It was hard on him too.  Knowing that his son would be his only.  It was awful. And he never said he knew exactly how Adelaide felt because obviously he couldn't.  He wasn't a woman.

But he couldn't stand by and let her make life changing decisions while she was grieving.  Decisions like that made in such an emotional state were usually regretted.  And at the same time, she was so overwhelmed with her current feelings that he was pretty sure she had forgotten just how much she hated residency.  Being at the bottom of the food chain did not suit her well.  Its one of the reasons he loved her.  She was made to give orders and not take them.  And did she forget the fit that she threw when he made Head of Spell Damage?  She didn't like it when she out ranked him, even in different departments, how was she going to handle taking orders from him again?  Not to mention that Andre hated being her boss.

So now he was searching the hospital up and down for his wife.  He pushed back all his procedures because this couldn't wait.  He had already checked all the on-call rooms and then the supply closets.  He was quickly running out of places to look, but he kept on and the nurses knew better than to bother him.

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2009-09-17 07:55 pm UTC (link)
Adelaide had to remind herself to keep breathing. This day was not going like she'd planned it, and that was infuriating her. All she had wanted was to get the hell out of the nursery, and be done with it. She didn't care if she had a million patients left without their healer, she didn't care that Naija would probably hunt her down in her sleep and kill her, she just didn't care. She'd thought she'd be able to handle going back to work, but she couldn't, and when the hell had Adelaide Wei Jordan ever admitted to not being able to do something?

She had taken the news of her injuries from the earthquake relatively well. So, she'd never be able to have kids again, fine. She had to tell women that all the time, and most of them didn't have a great son like Lee at home. So why, why could she be happy with that? She should be happy that she'd gotten the chance to be a mother where others couldn't, and--it just---

God. Adelaide stalked back and forth in the empty room, where a patient had just left. No one would be admitted there for about an hour, so she had time to hide out and be miserable. She knew her husband would come looking for her, but she had no desire to actually seek him out. She knew that they were the experts at tough love, but holy shit. Sometimes you just needed someone to agree with everything you said, no matter how stupid it was.

It wasn't stupid though! Adelaide stopped her rapid pacing and stood in the middle of the room for a moment. She couldn't do it! She couldn't handle never--not even having the chance of having another baby as wonderful as Lee and...oh God, she needed to stop this crying bullshit. She wiped furiously at her face and sunk down to the floor at the foot of the bed, crossing her legs underneath her and looking like a miserable, wreck of a person.

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2009-09-20 07:49 pm UTC (link)
Andre was running out of places to look. The only place he hadn't looked yet was the patients rooms, and couldn't very well just barge into all the rooms disturbing patients to find his wife.

But he could look in the empty rooms. He ran to the nurses station pulling the charts of all the recently discharged patients. Ha. There were only three rooms empty at the moment and he wasn't going to waste any time. The first two were empty and so was the third at first glance. Andre sighed was just about to shut the door when he heard a sniffle.

Andre walked further into the room finding Adelaide sitting on the floor. Oh merlin. He had made his wife cry. He slide down and sat next to Adelaide wrapping his arms around her. "Shh, don't cry, baby. I'm sorry, I just-- I--" what was he suppose to say? He was sorry he had made her cry but what the said wasn't exactly untrue either.

What was he suppose to say about any of this? That it would get better? Easier as time passed? Even Andre knew he'd get slapped for any of those comments. Everything was just so fucked up. "I'm so sorry."

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2009-09-20 08:54 pm UTC (link)
Five minutes ago she'd promised herself that the second she saw Andre she would smack him and yell vulgar obscenities at him. But now that she was in his arms, all the anger dissolved into her tears. She wasn't mad at Andre, she was mad at the bloody world. Adelaide had been so worried and concerned about her husband getting hurt with his new stint in the Order of the Phoenix, that she hadn't even thought of the possibility of herself getting caught up in this war. Especially at work, at Mungo's.

What was Andre sorry for? He couldn't have stopped it, she was the one that had risked her life for the children. Adelaide should be proud of herself, not in complete and utter---and she knew that if she was put into the situation again, she would do the same thing because there was no way she'd let those babies die, but---

Fucking---she was such a stupid Gryffindor.

Adelaide let out a low moan of misery and buried herself into her husband's chest. She had completely taken for granted the fact that she could have children; being a pediatrics healer, she should know better, at how easily that gift was stripped away. She felt---hollow, knowing she'd never be able to carry another child. Which...Adelaide prided herself on her feminist ways, but fuck all of that, her instinct, her natural bloody instinct was mourning the loss of her future children.

"I'm sorry," she cried, unsure as to why.

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