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avenue5output ([info]avenue5output) wrote,
@ 2013-03-16 07:45:00

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How To Keep Your Valuables Safe: A Home Security Guide
Most people envision a difficult process with regards to installing home security. However, this doesn't have to be the case. Look at this advice to quickly and easily secure your home. Tips About Getting Set Up With Home Security

When securing your home, don't forget about skylights. Although a skylight can bring light into one's home and look good, it's also a common entrance way for burglars. Your skylights need durable and reliable hardware for true protection.

If there's a ladder inside your shed, be sure you have a lock on your door. A ladder is virtually an invitation for burglars to climb up into your home's second floor. Keep devices they they can climb on, like trash cans, building supplies, and your shed, locked.

Follow This Great Article About Home Security To Help You Replace all locks in a new house. You have no way of knowing whether the previous homeowner is trustworthy. Bear in mind that other people may have lived in the home before the previous owner.

Don't leave the boxes of any high priced electronics on the curb of your house. Burglars will instantly take notices of these boxes and what used to be in them, making you an easy burglary target. Cut up the boxes completely instead.

Buying home alarms is terrific, but only in the case where someone will contact the police when they sound. Get an alarm that is centrally monitored to ensure that when it sounds, the police arrive. You cannot depend on your neighbors to call them.

Always lock your house, no matter how briefly you expect to be gone. Most real-world burglars aren't master lock-breakers; they simply stroll in through a door left carelessly unlocked. It does not take long for thieves to steal a lot from your home.

Sometimes, the person at your door is not who you think it is. If a stranger knocks on your door, do not open the door to help them. If they need a phone, tell them you will make the call for them. If you are afraid, simply contact the police.

Place your spare key securely on your dog's collar. This only makes sense if your dog is outdoors a lot or you have a pet door. You can purchase a special collar that will hold your spare key, so when you forget your keys your dog can let you in.

Good home security systems sound a loud alarm when breached, and that's not all. Most systems could sound an alarm when someone enters the home. It's a great feature for parents as they can tell if a child is potentially leaving the house.

If your door isn't either metal or solid wood, replace it with one that is. Metal and solid wooden doors hold tight and fast. This makes it much harder for a burglar to kick in a door. Replacing doors is not very expensive and should make a real difference.

There are a number of steps that can be taken for home security without installing a formal system. Whether you are comfortable in purchasing a gun, placing a fence or even placing locks to the doors that you have, are all possible options. Keep these tips in mind to make your dwelling a safer place. Simple Steps To Help You Better Understand Home Security

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