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Hunter Sommer ([info]texasranger) wrote in [info]blueridgeau,
@ 2012-06-21 10:27:00

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Full Name: Jessica Hunter Sommer.
Nickname: Hunter, Hunt, Ignoramus, Sugar Daddy, Jess.
DOB: Twenty [April 10th/ 1992].
Hometown: Plano, Texas.
House & Year: Second Year in University [Political Science]; Former Roanoke.
Sexuality: Pansexual. Hunt claims to be open to whatever, but is rarely seen anywhere without Sera on her arm, which really does beg to differ if she's as open as she acts.
Relationships: She's been with Sera for almost four years, since she was a junior in Roanoke. The age difference has never been a big deal to her. Despite her athlete playboy act, constantly bragging about bagging chicks every night and getting into sexy hijinks, she has actually never cheated on her. They're sort of perfect for each other, in a totally untamed out of control sort of way. They feed off of each other when it comes to getting into trouble or being reckless, but they also take care of each other. Hunter would pretty much bare knuckle box anybody for her.

Personality type in one word or sentence: Hot mess of a Quodpot star, trying to make it big.

Miniature History:
Always somewhat of a flop when it came to academics, it was somewhat of a miracle that Hunter made it to graduation from the academy in the first place. She worked just hard enough to stay in sports, which had always been her calling. Becoming a legal wizarding adult a year earlier than she became a legal muggle adult was an added bonus. Hunter was seventeen when she made decisions about her life that she hasn't regretted since. First off, cutting out Mack entirely. Their friendship had become rocky, and she had no use for her friend as long as she was going to fuck with that Quentin bitch. Second, moving out of her parents house and into Bluebell Town and taking Sera with her, after a particuarly big blowup at both her parents and the Donnellys. Third, never looking back. She had plans to make kicking Michael Donnelly's ass part of her to-do list, but hasn't gotten around to it yet.

The apartment she shares with her girlfriend isn't exactly classy, or really clean [thanks to her], but they get by. Taking a year off after she graduated, she found a job that would at least pay their bills; exotic dancing was an art. She was content to work the club, cleaning up in tips, and Hunter didn't even think about university classes until Sera picked them for her. She was nineteen when Sera dropped out of her senior year, and Hunter herself went back to Blue Ridge to study political science at the university. Her professors haven't quite caught onto her yet, but they do seem suspicious.

She fails almost every test, and never has anything productive to add to class discussions. But her homework and other at home projects and assignments are perfect, thanks to Sera doing them for her. It works for everyone, since she hates the work and knows nothing about politics, but it keeps Sera occupied because it actually provides a challenge to her. Her girlfriend's gelp is enough to keep her afloat, and playing university Quodpot, which is the real reason she went back to school. Sports are her get rich quick idea, and she wants to go professional before the chance leaves her.

Sera took over for her, working at the club almost every night with a fake ID, while she attends school. Her girlfriend might pay most of the bills, and pays for her education, but when she's a big baller pro, she'll take care of her. She doesn't really like to think about what Sera might have to do to get those extra tips, she's been there done that herself, but she knows that the cash flow is good. She tries to help out around the house sometimes when Sera's working, but she doesn't try really hard. Mostly if she isn't slacking in class or partying with Sera, then she's probably on the field or snorting lines somewhere. She's happy with her somewhat turbulent life, but she just can't wait until she's rich and famous so that she can do whatever the hell she wants, do as much coke as she wants, and Sera doesn't have to take her clothes off for anybody but her.

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