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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-03-26 22:28:00

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this one is going to be hard
Name any character of mine, and I'll tell you three bad things about them. Not cutesy little flaws either, actual despicable traits that they should be ashamed of.

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2008-03-27 03:33 am UTC (link)
Ummmm let's see!





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2008-03-27 05:53 am UTC (link)
1. She will let people hurt and hurt her, but she'll never say a word. Clara's ashamed of it because, if she honestly wants to make it in this business, she should be able to hold her own, but she can't disappoint people. Because---going against what someone said even if she thinks/knows its wrong, will upset them and she can't have that. A guilty, guilty conscience, I guess.

2. For all her talk, she doesn't pursue anything. It's what made the Sorting Hat send her to Hufflepuff after debating between the House and Slytherin (strange, but--). Clara will do all the work necessary, but if given a job opportunity, she's too scared of failure to actually try and promote herself, and will end up just working on what she's currently doing (well, of course) until she's forced out of the place.

3. Self-conscious in all meanings of the word. With her work, with her looks---especially her looks. If Clara doesn't get to do her hair or dress properly, she's nervous and twitchy the entire time, absolutely sure that people are staring at her. It's probably why she trying to force these makeup habits on Chloe, she doesn't want people looking at her sister in the wrong way.

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2008-03-27 06:00 am UTC (link)
1. Very, very selfish. Instead of blaming her own mistakes for her current living arrangements and predicaments, Bess finds herself more often than not blaming Sadie. Everything that's wrong in her life is because of her daughter, and on rough nights she realizes this is wrong and feels terrible about it, but in the morning she reverts to the snotty teenager she was in school.

2. A liar. She's a very good liar, she's a very quick liar, and she's an elaborate liar. It's no surprise that maybe four or five people outside of Bess' family actually know that Sadie's her daughter, with the way Bess' words travel around the subject quickly. That, and she doesn't feel bad about it.

3. Even though they've gone through seven years of school and she's the one that ended up in the worst situation of all, Bess still has a superiority complex over her roommates and year mates. She hates that she doesn't have anything to really brag about, but she still finds things wrong with their prospering lives to make her feel better about her own.

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2008-03-27 07:20 am UTC (link)




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2008-03-27 05:01 pm UTC (link)
1. Very hypocritical when it comes to things he thinks are right/wrong. For example, he doesn't trust/really like any of the Marauders' significant others, even though Sirius and Lily have had their rough patches in the past. He just can't, not with the way Sirius has been hurt before by people he cared about (talking about Regulus, his family), not with Remus' furry problem (I don't think he talked to Emmeline like, all those months, even after telling Remus to pursue her), and not with Peter's self-esteem issues---James can walk all over him (ooh another flaw) but the second some girl looks like she's trying to, pfffft. So part of it is a big trust issue, but the hypocrisy definitely plays out into more parts of his life. This is just the best example for now xD

2. Has to be the best/first, which leads to very tense times in the Potter household. James doesn't get as angry about it as Lily does, but his projects must be perfect and will get quite moody when someone beats him out. Like---okay, it's dumb, but the Longbottoms getting married first bugged him, the Prewetts getting engaged first bugged him, and those were things he couldn't exactly publicly moan about, so that was more of a mental thing. Ummm He never actually believed that Betty Nicolson got more OWLs than him, even if you show him the test results. No, no, James was absolutely perfect, thanks.

3. He does things without thinking about how other people will feel. Quitting St. Mungo's, even though his life really couldn't handle the hectic pace of the hospital. He knew it was for the best for his family and the Order, but he really lost a lot of respect from some healers that he'd come to respect and the thought of that hadn't crossed his mind until Healer Jordan accosted him in the journals about it all.

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2008-03-27 08:34 am UTC (link)

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2008-03-27 08:32 pm UTC (link)
1. A very spoiled brat. Which isn't a surprise, but she is. She still gets so very huffy when things don't go her way, and will fight and bicker with you until they do. With John, Matilda knows which things she shouldn't even bother bringing up (ie. a baby), but things like a pet? Oh, honestly, she was on his butt for about two weeks until Iggy made his arrival.

2. Very much the gossip. About everyone. Evan's having problems with his little girlfriend? Oh, John knows in a moment even if he doesn't care to listen. Caradoc's one of her best gossip buddies, and she's sure he only listens to her so that he can get ammo against other people. Matilda loves being in the know, but it's not a good thing to enjoy when your friends are part of the targets.

3. Will ignore her beliefs if necessary. Which---it's not always a bad thing, but she picks and chooses what she wants to believe to benefit herself. Mackenzie marrying the mudblood--ugh, under normal circumstances she would never speak to the woman again, but Mackenzie is one of Matilda's best friends and she's not strong enough to cut away the strong ties she's made.

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2008-03-27 05:29 pm UTC (link)


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