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Jonas Ackerly : Musician ([info]mynameisjonas) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-04-04 15:38:00

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Entry tags:jonas ackerly, kobe ackerly

Gift for Kobe Ackerly

Yesterday is just another memory ;
One more day you made me laugh so hard I cried .
Unearthing what I thought he took when he left ;
Couldn't have moved on without you by my side .
On my grayest days you brighten up my world ,
Like a rainbow piercing through a stormy sky .
Often only you can keep me from falling ;
Unforgiving to the jerks who've made me cry .
Realizing what's best for me much sooner ,
Much easier than I can do on my own .
You bring out the best in me even at my worst ..
What would I do if you left me all alone ?
One day we may be forced to part ; but if so ,
Remember all the nights we've spent together .
Laughing , crying .. Talking about everything ;
Dancing in memories we'll have forever

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