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the inscrutable drystan b. fawcett ([info]brythonichero) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-06-13 13:52:00

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Entry tags:bess fawcett, drystan fawcett

Had Scotland won? Were they ahead by much? Who had even caught the snitch?

Despite playing an active role in the match, supposedly, Drystan had not one clue as to any of these questions, nor did he recall much to any of the events immediately before, during, or after. All he knew was, half of him wanted the match to go on for a very, very long time (so long, in fact, he wouldn't really ever have to come down), and half of him wanted to catch the bloody golden thing himself, just to end it sooner. Sooner or later, of course, he had to touch down, and after being swept up by his teammates and other personnel on the field, he numbly remembered there was something very, very important that had to be dealt with it.

They'd seen the kids off with Penelope, and made their way home in relative silence, but it was not to last.

"When did you find out?" he asked, gently.

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2010-06-13 09:52 pm UTC (link)
Bess had found it much easier than she had originally thought to make it through the match. Not because her nerves weren't there, but to say that she was a stereotypical quidditch wife would be the understatement of the year. She wasn't there in pearls and high heels, not being able to tell which ball from which. Bess was a fan, she respected Drystan's job and hell if she wasn't going to love it as much as he did.

So, her throat was a little sore and her hair was frizzy and haywire, but she had made it through the match (WHICH SCOTLAND HAD WON!) and was now home ready to breathe.

Or maybe not.

Bess tied up her hair into the worst ponytail she'd ever managed because she actually could not find it in herself to care about anything but her husband and the baby inside of her. "Right before I told you," she said, sitting down onto the bed and pulling her legs underneath her. She put her hand on his leg, forcing herself not to pout (okay--maybe a little pout), "I should have waited to tell you, but I panicked--I know we haven't exactly discussed this..."

She held her breath. She really didn't know what she wanted right now, and that meant she had absolutely no idea what was going on in Drystan's head.

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2010-06-13 10:20 pm UTC (link)
"We haven't. I admit, I'm—a bit dazed, actually," he said, but hastened to add, "Not that I'm not supportive, but it does take adjusting to."

It took a lot of adjusting to, but Drystan had enough sense not to be completely frank. If he couldn't summon a convincing enough façade of joy, he owed it to her to be honest—it was a surprise, not necessarily of the most convenient kind, but what was a third child, when it came right down to it? It didn't bear use thinking of it any other way.

So, he did what he did with everything else in his life, and took it in stride. "I don't suppose you even had time to find out how far along you are," he said, looking at her thoughtfully.

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2010-06-14 02:04 am UTC (link)
She should probably take a breath. Dazed? Oh, she had been more than dazed for the past three or so hours. Dazed and---confused, and nervous! Worried! Scared! Scared wasn't a good enough word...terrified. Bess was terrified and even though Drystan was saying everything she should have hoped for it was still hard to swallow and believe.

Bess scrunched her nose to try and think. She'd memorized how pregnancy worked when she first found out about Sadie (to prove to Chester that she was indeed his daughter---), and if she recalled correctly, the two weeks or so after...her eyes shut as a grin crept onto her face.

"I think birthday celebrations are to blame," she said with a nod, almost 100% positive that the healers would confirm her numbers. Her eyes opened a crack, "You're sure you're not upset?" because she had to ask, because that was what she was most worried about.

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2010-06-14 02:15 am UTC (link)
He continued to look at her with that thoughtful, scrutinizing expression, and nodded, slowly. "Yes and no. We're not unable to care for a third child… and really, our time together has never known a period without children. So in that respect, nothing has changed. But you have to understand, even though I have Stephen, love—Stephen, and Sadie too, I haven't had to actually be a father. And since my—parents," a muscled tensed in his cheek, "I love my life, but I wouldn't say it's been coming along as anticipated."

Drystan eyed her stomach critically. "Little blighter probably could have waited to give us a little bit of breathing space," he said after a moment, corner of his mouth tugging upwards.

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2010-06-14 02:53 am UTC (link)
Bess choked up a short laugh, wiping at her eyes as she nodded. Her life had been anything but normal since she'd left Hogwarts. Nothing that she had planned for had actually happened, and yes, she too loved her life. Of course, it helped that she had met the most perfect man on the planet and he had happened to fall in love with her of all people, but Bess liked to think that she had something to do with all the good that had come her way.

She put her hand on his cheek and smiled tightly, unable to control her watering eyes and quivering chin. This was, without a doubt, the happiest moment of her life. It was proving that everything she loved about this man was true. Bess hoped the baby was a boy so he could be just like Drystan, just as smart (just as handsome!) and just as kind. They needed more men like him in the world.

"Now we can do everything right," she said, hoping that her voice wouldn't crack, but it did. Bess flushed, feeling silly for crying and being outrageously sentimental when she was so happy, but she couldn't help it, "We can--it's ours--" Bess clapped a hand over her mouth because she didn't know whether she was going to laugh or start sobbing.

Yeeepp. She was definitely pregnant.

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