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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-04-05 21:20:00

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Entry tags:meme

Icon meme!
Name one of my characters and one of yours. I'll show you three icons displaying expressions that my character frequently makes when interacting with yours, and explain why.

Cute! XD

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2008-04-06 02:29 am UTC (link)

ummm Caitlin & Ioan

Tabby & Phoebe

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2008-04-06 02:46 am UTC (link)

"Well damn right!"

cause she's always loling at the shit they come up with *snort*

this is probably after a particularly biting remark for Juliet that Emmeline is :XXXX about xD

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Caitlin & Ioan (also epic but not at the same level)
2008-04-06 02:58 am UTC (link)

"Um no excuse me, my pancakes are fabulous!"

Not really her face but I think he does that a lot XD


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Re: Caitlin & Ioan (also epic but not at the same level) - [info]mikipinku, 2008-04-06 03:00 am UTC
Re: Caitlin & Ioan (also epic but not at the same level) - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-06 03:04 am UTC
SISTERS OF EPIC PROPORTIONS had to keep the theme
2008-04-06 03:07 am UTC (link)

MEGA FLAILS!!!!!!!!!

probably after trying to find some loophole with something Amos said for like five hours XD

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2008-04-06 03:02 am UTC (link)
Erin & Rafe
Matilda & John
Phoebe & Elphias
Emmeline & Elphias
James & Sturgis lol


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Emmeline & Elphias
2008-04-06 03:10 am UTC (link)

Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me.

ACTUAL KEYWORDS: surprised ; ..........xD

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Re: Emmeline & Elphias - [info]kickawesome, 2008-04-06 03:12 am UTC
Re: Emmeline & Elphias - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-06 03:13 am UTC
Matilda & John
2008-04-06 03:14 am UTC (link)

"Now was that honestly necessary."

but behind his back XD

I win!

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Re: Matilda & John - [info]kickawesome, 2008-04-06 03:15 am UTC
Re: Matilda & John - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-06 03:16 am UTC
Phoebe & Elphias
2008-04-06 03:19 am UTC (link)

After a kissy!

Aw you have to study for eight straight hours? It's okay :[

Side smile wink ;]

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Erin & Rafe
2008-04-06 03:22 am UTC (link)

Gawww you are so cute!!!

"Why yes I am as pretty as you say!" she's not that humble

Because she actually does break into song and dance

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Re: Erin & Rafe - [info]kickawesome, 2008-04-06 03:27 am UTC
Re: Erin & Rafe - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-06 03:28 am UTC
James & Sturgis
2008-04-06 03:26 am UTC (link)

Ohh I see what you're getting at

Dude relax

How was I supposed to know it was going to blow up?

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2008-04-06 04:38 am UTC (link)
Marlie and Alice!
Smeth and Liz!
Smeth and Pheebs lol

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Marlie & Alice
2008-04-06 06:16 pm UTC (link)

This is cute, right?

Nuh uhh that's not true

Whoa what are you doing lmao

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2008-04-06 06:19 pm UTC (link)


Mwuaha excellent

Ohhhhhhhh....I still don't get it but okay :)

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Smeth & Phoebe
2008-04-06 06:21 pm UTC (link)

Yes, Smeth *eyeroll*

I gotcha, bro!

Mmm no I don't understand you at all

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Liz & Marlie
2008-04-06 06:23 pm UTC (link)

Oh oh oh and then!!

Oh snap she actually did it!


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Deidra & Matt
2008-04-06 06:54 pm UTC (link)


lmao okay you're funny

Do you see what I have to put up with?

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2008-04-06 05:39 am UTC (link)
Liz and Sirius
Alice and Sirius
Davy and Liz
James and Sirius XD
Mycroft and Berk

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Liz & Sirius
2008-04-06 06:56 pm UTC (link)


...:O got me there


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Alice & Sirius
2008-04-06 07:34 pm UTC (link)

A little bewildered but amused!

Looking at him down on the floor doing something *tsktsk*


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Davy & Liz
2008-04-06 07:36 pm UTC (link)

Fake understanding what his art means?

Trying not to laugh at something Ian/Vinny is doing to him

Sorry they're bigger than me I can't stop them

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James & Sirius - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-06 07:40 pm UTC
Mycroft & Berk - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-06 07:42 pm UTC

2008-04-06 05:48 pm UTC (link)
Tibs and Finn
Seth and Finn
Tibs and Elena
Awesome Healer Duo
Miranda and Franzy cause miranda is a doll and i love her icons

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Tibs & Finn
2008-04-08 05:11 am UTC (link)

Yes I actually just did that

*listening to some Ministry rambling* uh huh that's great

Elena why did you marry this fool.

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Seth & Finn - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-08 05:13 am UTC
Tibs & Elena - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-08 05:17 am UTC
Awesome Healer Duo - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-08 05:21 am UTC
Miranda & Franzy - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-08 05:24 am UTC

2008-04-06 06:04 pm UTC (link)
Grayson and Caitlin
Madeleine and Nick
James and Andromeda!

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Grayson & Caitlin
2008-04-06 07:46 pm UTC (link)

Graaayson play nice


Silent scolding even though she really can't do anything about his remarks to Ioan XD

I can't believe you just said that lmao

Four because the machete one won't happen in game. I think. >>

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Madeleine & Nick - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-06 07:50 pm UTC
James & Andromeda - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-06 08:17 pm UTC

2008-04-06 08:11 pm UTC (link)
Molly and Arthur.
Miranda and Ludo.
Phoebe and Ashlyn.
Clara and Joceline.
Miranda and Moses (aww).

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Molly & Arthur
2008-04-08 05:45 am UTC (link)

Eee that's such a good idea!

Thaaaaat not so much

*sigh* adores

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Miranda & Ludo - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-08 05:46 am UTC
Phoebe & Ashlyn - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-08 05:49 am UTC
Clara & Joceline - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-08 05:51 am UTC
Miranda & Moses - [info]cristina_lacosa, 2008-04-08 05:52 am UTC

2008-04-07 02:27 am UTC (link)

xDDD that is all.


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Emmeline & Caradoc OMG MY ICON!
2008-04-08 05:57 am UTC (link)

And now what? Hm? Yes?

Why must you be so difficult

Okay maaaayyybe you're kind of cute

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2008-04-07 11:18 pm UTC (link)

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2008-04-08 05:59 am UTC (link)

No you're the cutest!

But Marlie, I just can't understand how anything could be cuter than you!

teeeehehehe*gigglesnort* we're so funny omg :]

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