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timothy g. greengrass ([info]greengrasses) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-11-01 20:41:00

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Entry tags:hamilton nott, timothy greengrass

WHO: Theo Nott and Tim Greengrass
WHAT: Theo's scouted out who kidnapped Adamina
WHERE: A dark muggle alleyway
WHEN: Tonight?

Theo was honestly surprised when he found that the it was squibs that took Tim’s wife. When he was first asked to look into it, he was expecting to find bored former Death Eaters and Adamina had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. But the squib thing was throwing him for a loop. Honestly, it shouldn’t be that difficult to fight off someone incapable of magic.

He leaned against the building a few blocks down from the address he tracked the squibs to while he waited for Tim. The rest of the evening was going prove to be interesting. While Theo’s moral lines were blurred at best, he would be lying if he said he didn’t want to see how far Tim was willing to push his.

“You’re late,” Theo commented idly when he heard the distinctive pop of apparation. “And here I thought you weren’t going to show.”

Tim glowered at Theo, but only for a moment. He didn’t need to give him a reason for being late. Adamina had been feeling a bit ill and that left him putting the girls to bed and taking care of the house. He couldn’t behave as if something was wrong or that he was about to trek out into the night to do something he was most definitely going to regret later.

He’d regret it, but he wouldn’t be sorry for it.

“Then let’s stop wasting time,” Tim muttered, pulling his cloak tighter around him. Theo hadn’t given him many details, but it was enough. Whenever his mind got a free moment away from his wife or children, his thoughts traveled to the revenge he wished to seek on Adamina’s kidnappers. It was unhealthy, it was draining, but he physically could not force himself to focus on anything else. He needed to put an end to this. “Where are they?”

“The house three doors down,” Theo said with a surprising amount of patience. He supposed he could put up with a four year old he could put up with pouty looks from his cousin. “Flatmates it seems. Certainly don’t look the devious type, but then again the successful ones never do.”

He pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on turning to the expected glare he was getting from Tim. “Obviously not successful enough. I found them,” he said with a roll of his eyes.

“So what’s the plan? I assume you have thought of one by now, I’ve given you plenty of time.” Theo asked taking a few steps before turning back to Tim. “You do have a plan other than just show up wands brandished, right?”

His focus was on the house, the front door. Tim knew he could bust it down easily, but an explosion of magic in a mostly muggle neighborhood would gain attention from the Ministry and hitwizards. Tim was new to this sort of thing, but he had some common sense. Surprise would be on their side, and he was sure that he was strong and quick enough to keep his wand and magic out of the picture.

All he wanted to do was to feel some justice. An anonymous owl to the ministry after these fools were bound and gagged, and quite possibly beaten to within an inch of their lives, would create that feeling.

“We’re muggles collecting signatures for the upcoming election,” Tim said, jamming his hands into his pockets. He pulled out a clipboard that had been charmed to fit inside of his jacket. There had been a couple of these types knocking on his door in the past few weeks, which is what had given him the idea. “That’ll give us the open door to get inside.”

Theo wrinkled his nose slightly, not liking the idea of even pretending to be a muggle, but he had to give his cousin credit. He wasn’t even expecting a plan, let alone a decent one that would actually get them inside. “Well, it seems you have a natural knack for this after all. I am impressed.”

He pulled up the collar of his cloak against the chilled wind looking back towards the house. “Alright then, let’s go ruin someone’s night.”

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