Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

March 8th, 2012

[Text to Hunter, Thursday night, on the way to the hospital] @ 09:14 pm


Are you already at the hospital? If you get there before me will you send me an update? Especially if she gets out of surgery. Maybe it's better if I just ask Mich-- God I hope she's okay. I know we fight but--

Michi says it's bad, Hunt. I have to tell my parents. I can't just not tell them, she's still their daughter.
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[User Picture Icon]
Date: March 11th, 2012 06:02 pm (UTC)
almost there now an ill u wats up.. u can call em if u want but im punchin ur dad if he shows up, fair warnin. maybe u oughta get in contact wit ur mom tho kiddo i dunno. if mich says its bad id be worried-
[User Picture Icon]
Date: March 11th, 2012 07:26 pm (UTC)
I'll send her an owl from the hospital, I think. Tat thinks she hates her, but she's always asking me how she's doing and stuff.. I keep telling Tatum to call, or owl her. I know she'll want to be there but I'll be shocked if he shows up. He fucking better Hunter, I swear He might surprise us though, you never know.

[User Picture Icon]
Date: March 11th, 2012 07:30 pm (UTC)
if he dont then ill go 2 maine n kick his ass myself so dont worry bout him just hurry the fuck up. how u gettin??
[User Picture Icon]
Date: March 11th, 2012 07:36 pm (UTC)
If he doesn't, go right ahead boo! I am hurrying. I'm with Leland, we can't speed too much with the Edster but we should be there in no more than 15 Id say.
[User Picture Icon]
Date: March 11th, 2012 07:37 pm (UTC)
oh ur bringin my main bitch thats coooool im excited
[User Picture Icon]
Date: March 11th, 2012 07:46 pm (UTC)
haha I thought you might like someone to play with. She might crash though, Le had to drag her out of bed, poor thing.
[User Picture Icon]
Date: March 11th, 2012 07:50 pm (UTC)
well my tatas are the best pillows in town or so im told so im down for a snugglin wait when did i git so damn soft-

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry