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Mike Blood ([info]partdemon) wrote,
@ 2011-08-01 00:13:00

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Alexia Falcon
Name: Alexia Falcon

History: Alexia grew up with a fairly mundane childhood though she always was a bit of a trouble maker rebelling against the rules as they tried to restrict her which mad her a handful for her parents. When she was fourteen her magical powers first manifested and she accidentally burned down her home and most of the house nearby hers. Seeing this as her chance for freedom to make it on her own and not wanting to deal with her parents reaction to this she ran away from home. After living on her own for several months and practicing with her magical talents especially her fire power she was struck with good fortune. A mage passing through the area she was staying in noticed the magic behind a lot of the local fire and found Alexia. Rather than telling her what she was doing was wrong or trying to otherwise punish her he decided to take her under his wing and teach her about magic and hopefully point her in the right direction. After several years of training Alexia has struck out on her own again seeking to learn as much about fire magic as she can.. While more disciplined than before she still maintains her fiery emotions and temper and still doesn't handle being told what to do well. While not necessarily or intentionally bad this has led to her causing a lot of destruction. Some darker force have tried to manipulate her into doing stuff for them such things are as dangerous as fire and if she finds out someone is definitely going to get burned.

Powers: Alexia is a powerful Chaos Mage who specializes in Fire magic and has a true mastery it, even being able to set water on fire. A side effect of her magic has made her all but immune to mental attacks due to the amount of chaos coursing through here combined with her fiery emotions making it extremely difficult for even a skilled telepath to grasp her mind much let keep it for long. Alexia is also fairly competent in hand to hand combat which makes her really dangerous when she combines it with her fire magic.

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