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「ℴphelia → ωilkes」 ([info]primrosepath) wrote,
@ 2011-05-26 23:21:00

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[GRAYSON] I would like your permission to adopt Dmitry. I understand we are not speaking, but Please get back to me on this as soon as you can. [/GRAYSON]

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2011-05-27 02:02 am UTC (link)
And why would you need to do that?

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2011-05-27 02:06 am UTC (link)
For the obvious reasons. He does not have a mother and you don't give half a sh-- and I have been his primary caretaker since we took him on. He has been living with myself and his sister alone soundly for two and a half months now and I love him dearly.

I did not suspect that you would protest.

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2011-05-27 02:13 am UTC (link)
You have no reason to love him, he isn't yours in any way, shape or form

I did not say just yet that I was protesting. This just seems quite sudden.

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2011-05-27 02:20 am UTC (link)
Yes well, I'm certainly not going to let him go with you if it comes to a legal matter Just because you don't love your son should not make it strange or sudden that someone else cares

Truthfully, I have considered bringing it up for quite some time now. Living alone with the children has made me think more seriously on the idea.

However, he is yours alone. I can do nothing without your approval.

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2011-05-27 02:23 am UTC (link)
That's right, one of the few things in my life I can actually control is that child.

Precisely. I suppose I'll have to ... consider it.

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2011-05-27 02:28 am UTC (link)
I would appreciate it. Please tell me once you have decided.

Do not draw this out. I will not make a single move towards this divorce until I know I have legal rights to protect him from what you've become

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2011-05-27 02:40 am UTC (link)
I'm not just going to give in to this without figuring out what you're up to first.

I will.

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