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stfucompnerd ([info]stfucompnerd) wrote,
@ 2009-01-30 17:44:00

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Never say never.
So today is the last day. I have less than 24 hours now.

I woke up so sick this morning. From 7 - 11 I was puking up foam and blood. I love my life. I didn't stop puking until I went to Carlons and hit the bong, sadly my pipe couldn't fix me this morning.

Oh yeahhh.
Name ~ Mel
Age ~ 19
Birthday ~ January 26th
Occupation ~ nothing
Hobbies & Interests ~ music, tattoos, animals, making things, drawing, piercings, ect ect.
Music ~ I wish I had some modest mouse. all night diner baby.
Interesting/random fact(s) ~ uhmm. I love cats, and am most certain I will grow up to be a crazy cat lady.
Put a face to that name! ~

I have no pictures because this is the library... and although I could access some over the internet I am incredibly way too lazy and unfocused to do that.

God, I hope I don't get a migraine.

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2009-01-31 09:32 pm UTC (link)
january bdays ROCK! ;)

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2009-02-02 05:19 am UTC (link)
oh yesss. your an aquarius right?

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2009-02-02 04:18 pm UTC (link)
I sure am :)

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2009-02-02 11:52 pm UTC (link)
that's right. aquarius' are the bomb.

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