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gingeroracle ([info]gingeroracle) wrote,
@ 2013-04-22 05:07:00

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Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Tam

Email: t.foley42@gmail.com

AIM (if you have one): margueritekrex

Character Name: Alexis “Lexie” Summers

Character LJ (if applicable): GingerOracle

Physical description (face, build, weight): She is slim, much like her older sister with red hair and blue eyes. 5’6, 125lbs.
Age: 16

Birthday: 5/30/1997

PB: (If using one.) Molly Quinn

Abilities: Lexie is able to hone in on the “frequency” of the space time continuum using psionic powers, allowing her to see different times – As she gets older she has been able to see further into the future. For the present, most (not all) visions happen within 30 seconds to 1 minute of seeing it or whatever variation comes to pass. With training it is hypothetically possible for her to control when, where and how she sees things, but for the foreseeable future, she has little to no control over which reality she sees. Stress or intense emotions tends to trigger her power.

Note: I have absolutely no intention or desire for her to develop her powers to a degree that could make her too powerful or god-like. I would rather leave her powers at the level of “unreliable at best”.

Weaknesses and flaws: Because every moment creates infinite possibilities, the chances of what Lexie seeing actually coming to pass is slim to none. She also only has moderate control over this power – periods of high emotion or stress tends to induce visions, which leave her momentarily catatonic while occurring and can cause headaches, nausea, and disorientation upon ‘returning’.

Character location/Home: the X-Mansion

Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero (in training)

Relatives (living/dead?): Scott Summers/Jean Grey (Parents, alive), Rachel Summers (Sister, alive)

Backstory: Lexie is the 2nd child of Scott Summers and Jean Grey. She grew up at The Mansion with her parents and sister with all the drama and background such an upbringing entails. At the ate of 13, her powers first manifested in a series of visions and she was blessed to live in the family she did, with the resources of the entire institute to help her acclimate. Her childhood was spent playing imaginary adventures around the grounds with her sister and whatever person she could rope into her games. Her interests shifted to reading, then writing as she got older and she aspires to be a writer of some kind when she grows up, when she's not saving the world.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: She already lives there – before this point, her parents thought she was to young and kept her away from anything team related.

What are you planning to do with this character? Family fun with Rachel and general shinanigins. I think there’s opportunities for her to see things and for there to be team reactions only to have what she saw be an alternative version.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: Survive High School 

Sample post: http://www.scribbld.com/users/gingeroracle/550.html

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