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agent_anarchy ([info]agent_anarchy) wrote,
@ 2010-09-05 11:59:00

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Entry tags:insula de virsta

Insula De Virsta: The Game
Some where in the ocean is a magical island, a well kept secret, floating and hidden from prying human eyes. There are creatures from the mundane to the mystical and all are capable of wondrous things. They've been keeping their perfect habitat secret for centuries.

That secret is about to be learned by an unfortunate group of castaways.

The Game

The game Insula De Virsta is a role playing game for as many players as we see fit. It will take place over a few months and has no intentional end date. If we decide to stop playing the game will end.

Plot is open ended with the exception of the humans, the boat wreck and their entrance onto the mythical island.

The story begins on the boat, the Hnakra. The humans are getting to know one another as they journey on a pleasant week-long cruise. Time passes as they are blissfully unaware of the island they are sailing toward.

The island story opens with a tribal council on the new moon. The chosen tribal leaders speak about their tribes when someone announces that unintentional invaders are coming and the island will have to reveal itself in order to save them, though the window of opportunity to do so without being discovered by the outside world is very limited.

The boat has some sort of disaster near the island, which is still hidden to them. The denizens of the island must decide if they will take in the castaways. If they do, the humans will then be a part of the island and from that point on they may never leave.

Very few are in the know about what actually caused the boat accident (or should I say who?). There is a very specific agenda at hand, underneath the seemingly accidental nature involved.


There are two main groups of characters in the game. Those of the island and those not of the island. Those of the island are divided further into tribal groups. Those that are not of the island are just normal humans that live on the mainland (probably in the Northeast) and are taking a pleasant cruise-line vacation.


Pictorial Representation

The island is divided into 7 parts: the northern woods (The Black Woods), the northern and southern valley, the south west mountains (The Endless Mountains), the south east beach (Hedland Beach), the north west cliffs (Midnight Cliffs), and the circular lake. There are three rivers coming from the lake, one to the north, one from the east branching into the south, and one to the southwest separating the northern and southern valley. In the center of the lake is an island shaped exactly like a star (simply called Estrella or Star Island).

The Nghrau inhabit the Midnight Cliffs. The Kouzelheks live between the two northern rivers, in the northern forest. The Ungur all live on the northern edge of the mountains very close to the river. The Ghosts live on the center island in the circular lake. This is where tribal councils take place.

Tribal councils

Each tribe elects one representative to send to a monthly meeting on the central island. This monthly meeting happens on the new moon. This may or may not be an actual thread each month. The councils are a way to monitor what's happening on the island, and for each tribe to resolve disputes peacefully and such.

Things to Know About the Island

-Once a person has been to the island they can always find it again (unless they're banished, in which case they can never find it again).

-Only certain tribes are permitted to leave the island (the Enkeli because they can fly and trying to keep them caged up is a task, the Nghrau because it's better to let them eat off the island, so on)

-The witches control the weather and help keep the island hidden by moving it, all of which is done during a morning ceremony that certain tribe members participate in

-There are magical hotspots on the island where almost anything is possible. The Kantele have a natural ability to sense and locate these areas.

-If I think of more (or you think of more) I'll add them.


At present there is no application for the game. That's because we've never had a need for one. If you're interested toss an email over to modthings(AT)gmail(DOT)com and Carol will help you figure out how to get into this game. If enough people are interested I'll put up some sort of simple application.

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