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Sesshoumaru ([info]sesshoumaru) wrote,
@ 2008-03-05 21:05:00

Previous Entry  Add to memories!  Tell a Friend!  Next Entry
Current location:in the shadows of the room
Current mood: migraine
Entry tags:character: draco malfoy, character: hermione granger, pairing: draco malfoy x hermione granger

.:. o25 .:. Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger (Older Set)
[13] Draco x Hermione Icons
A link to resources can be found on my user info.


1) Credit is a must. Either in keyword or in the icon comment area.
2) Feedback is appreciated.

D r a c o x H e r m i o n e
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2008-03-06 05:20 am UTC (link)
My favorite is 4! Sweetie, you do such wonderful work with these images! ♥ I'm jealous! *-*

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2008-03-06 02:51 pm UTC (link)
Aww! Thankies sweetheart! These are so old. xD I have been working on my insanejournal and thought I would put them up. I am glad you like them though. :D

♥ you!

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