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GoDownSwinging ([info]godownswinging) wrote,
@ 2011-10-22 04:37:00

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Blood in the Sand
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Jeff
Email: Chasejyd@blarg.net
AIM (if you have one): dajyd
Character Name: Saishu Atamasco
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): Tall, powerfully build young woman with blood red hair
Age: 19
Birthday: October 24
Codename (if using one): Crimson
PB: (If using one.) Natissia Malthe
1. Fire/Heat/Radiation Immunity: Saishu is immune to fire, heat and radiation, and absorbs any fire, heat or solar energy she is exposed to.
2. Superhuman Attributes: Saishu lacks the versatility and light-powered abilities of most of the rest of the New Guardians, aside from very basic flight and life-support. However, the power of the red reawakened the 'lost' Amazonian powers in her blood and enhanced the more destructive of them. She possesses super strength, super speed and enhanced durability that start middling on the Amazon scale, and push Diana and Donna's capabilities at her angriest.
3. Power of the Red: Saishu cannot breathe fire or utilize the most powerful effect of the red light without succumbing to its influence. She can channel it into a weapon, to a degree, however. She can channel destructive energy into a physical weapon, favoring a sword, which then becomes exceptionally capable of cutting through physical barriers of all kinds - including magical and green lantern shields, and capable of harming the almost completely invulnerable. The notable exceptions are blue light shields, which "extinguish" the power of the sword, and violet energy (including Sapphire's crystal constructs), which do not extinguish it, but are normally resistant.

A. Willpower: Saishu has been trained in Amazon philosophy and warrior tradition, and has a strong enough will and disciplined enough mind that she's able to manage the power of the red without losing her sanity and mind. She is especially resistant to fear and other effects which would cause her to lose resolve, but is still easily goaded into rushing into combat and acting aggressively.
B. Amazon Martial Arts Training: Saishu was raised learning the fighting styles of the Bana Amazons. She is highly skilled in a variety of armed and unarmed martial arts.
C. Survival: Living in a very remote parts of the world, Saishu is reasonably skilled at farming, hunting, fishing, survival in extreme temperatures, etc., and can get by in the wilderness.
D. Saishu learned several of the languages she learned through the Bana training or as she moved. She is fluent in Latin, Arabic, Ancient Egyptian, Yiddish, Swahili and French. She speaks English and bits and pieces of other tongues, but her English is still a work in progress.

Weaknesses and flaws:
Saishu has lost everything - her adopted family, her friends, her home - and, following aspects of worship of the goddess of war and death, Neith, and feeling dishonored, she has embraced the idea that the best way to redeem her family and her own honor is death in combat - she has no fear of dying, and at times actively seeks it against powerful opponents.
By merit of the red light's touch, Saishu has a violent temper. It is kept in check by her warrior's discipline, ritual prayer and intense focus - but still comes out readily, and she can be easily goaded into conflict.
Her temper grows worse, and she becomes more prone to red-light rages if she does not meditate and pray to her patron goddess Neith for an hour a day.
Obvious - though she appears human, Saishu's normal body temperature runs at 108 degrees, making her obviously unusual upon touch in a way that's hard to disguise.
While literate and studied in tactics and philosophy, Saishu does not have much education outside the topics of interest to the Bana in her mother's time, before they opened themselves to much of the outside world beyond their training partners, and is not very worldly.
There is a strong chance Atrocitus would like to see her dead and take the missing piece of the red light for himself.

Character location/Home: Earth, once the Guardians begin
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Mostly heroic
Team: The New Guardians
Relatives (living/dead?): Deceased, though she is likely distantly related to a number of Amazons as cousins of varying distance.
Saishu's mother was one of the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall under Artemis. While her people traded for breeding stock slaves and the like, they remained committed to their isolationism and the "City of Women" - until Saishu's mother, Calla, fell in love with one of the soldiers of Khandaq during a trade mission, a love which was discovered and manipulated by Circe to help infiltrate the Bana and manipulate them - when this was discovered, Saishu's mother was exiled from the City of Women, and no longer allowed to call herself a part of the Amazon sisterhood.
For a time, she lived in Khandaq with her lover, and had a small child.
Saishu was four when her father died violently in one of Black Adam's conflicts - Saishu's first memory was fleeing with her mother. Calla recommitted herself after that to the ways of the Bana - she attempted to see if the Bana would take her child in and train her, if not Calla - to discover they had disappeared (accepted back on Paradise Island in their own settlement in the time between her exile and return).
Settling into isolation, Calla trained her daughter in the ways she had been trained in, teaching her the Amazon's history back to the split - and the Bana leaving due to refusing to accept peace with the Greeks after Herakles' actions. Of their goddesses, she most identified with the Egyptian goddess of war and warrior's death, Neith. This focus, along with the anger and sense of betrayal and loss Calla had passed to her daughter drew the red light - which settled into Saishu... and eventually drew Atrocitus, seeking the lost power of the red. Calla managed to trick her daughter into hiding in one of the hidden vaults in the city, locking her in. By the time she escaped, her mother had perished in the flames of the red lanterns, but Atrocitus had moved on. Bitter and alone, Saishu wandered for a time, continuing to practice and focusing on her goddess, the only one who hadn't left her, taking part in some of the conflicts of the region, until she felt the call of to the hosts.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?:
In the New Guardians plot
What are you planning to do with this character?
She is going to participate in the New Guardians plot, and operate with that team as their physical powerhouse.
What do you want to see happen with this character?:
Saishu has a great deal to learn, including finding a reason to wish to continue living - she knows war, but very little else, giving her a lot of room to grow, especially among those who aren't as used to conflict. Potentially, I'd also like her to eventually meet Corrinna, and perhaps reconnect with her Amazon heritage.

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