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Books | The Guardian ([info]theguardianbook) wrote,
@ 2019-10-10 12:24:00

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Nobel prize in literature: Olga Tokarczuk and Peter Handke win – live

After the prize was postponed last year due to a sexual harassment scandal, two Nobel medals have been awarded today

Handke also called for the Nobel to be abolished in 2014, saying it was a “false canonisation” of literature.

“The Nobel prize should finally be abolished,” he told Austrian newspaper Die Presse, adding that though it delivered “a moment of attention, six pages in the newspaper”, he did not admire the choices. Was he just a sore loser? “Of course it’s [a prize] that bothers you, then you’re annoying yourself because you think about it. It’s so unworthy, and at the same time you’re just so unworthy of it.”

The choice of Peter Handke seems incredibly strange, given the Nobel committee had shown so many indications of moving away from incendiary laureates.

The Nobel committee decides to dig itself out of scandal by awarding this year's Nobel prize in literature to an Austrian defender of Milosevic who denies that the Srebrenica massacre happened.

Way to read the times, Nobel committee https://t.co/laYvRWUt0w

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