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Books | The Guardian ([info]theguardianbook) wrote,
@ 2019-10-23 09:00:00

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Top 10 books about the night

From Shakespeare and Brontë to ‘nightwalking’ guides, nature writer Tiffany Francis-Baker sheds some light on her favourite books about the dark

We are all drawn to the night. It’s a hidden world full of danger, magic, excitement, night shifts and nights out. Out in the dark, landscapes that were familiar to us in daylight are transformed. The darkness smothers both the beautiful and the bad, and it reminds us of the things we can never know, and never conquer – although we try our best with coffee and blue screens.

I was drawn to write about the landscape after dark because I love being outside beneath the night sky. When the rest of the world is asleep and you are alone in nature, there is nothing so peaceful and restorative as gazing up at the stars – and the thrill of being out in the dark keeps me on my toes. Looking up at the night sky has helped me to find a wider perspective on my place in the universe. Not only are my everyday problems diminished when I remember how small we all are, but I am filled with wonder at how lucky I am that the right atoms came together to form my mind and body.

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