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Books | The Guardian ([info]theguardianbook) wrote,
@ 2020-01-08 12:17:00

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Top 10 books about toxic masculinity

The term may be new, but as stories from Homer to Henry James show, the behaviour is anything but

Toxic masculinity has become something of a buzz phrase, employed to describe and explain everything from poor dating etiquette to mass shootings and the abuses highlighted by the #MeToo movement. But, as with any buzzword, it is important to be clear in one’s definition. Toxic masculinity can be said to be the social pressure to conform to traditional ideals of masculinity, which privilege aggression, elevated class status and the suppression of emotions. For many, adherence to these narrow, oppressive expectations about what it means to be a man will logically express itself in the most grotesque ways.

My novel A Good Man is a psychological thriller narrated by Thomas Martin, a devoted family man and successful advertising executive who appears to have an enviable life. However, as his meticulously constructed world unravels, Thomas grapples with his sense of self, and ultimately commits horrifying acts against his loved ones. The novel is a portrait of the expectations of contemporary masculinity and the dangers of prescriptive gender norms, especially concerning marriage and family, and how unrelenting societal pressure on men to be protectors and providers can destroy lives.

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