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Books | The Guardian ([info]theguardianbook) wrote,
@ 2020-01-14 21:34:00

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Stephen King faces backlash over comments on Oscars diversity

Ava DuVernay and Roxane Gay criticized author after he said he ‘would never consider diversity in matters of art’

In yet another year of Oscar nominations that saw a paucity of recognition for women and artists of colour, the response has been almost exhausted – after all, hasn’t it all already been said?

“Congratulations to those men,” quipped Issa Rae, reading out the all-male list of nominees for best director this year – reminiscent of Natalie Portman’s introduction of the “all-male nominees” last year. People wrote opinion pieces about the stereotypical roles for which people of color are awarded and reminded us that yes, there were female directors who were good enough for the best director slot this year, too.

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