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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-01-28 22:46:00

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Entry tags:meme, valesco

from Laurie!
Here's what you give me:
1) one of my characters
2) another character played by you or me or anyone else

Here's what I'll give you:
1) a letter of some sort written to that character

You can choose a love letter, an advice with how to deal with another person, a venting letter about another character, whatever. If you want something written about a third character you will have to name that individual.

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2008-01-29 04:47 am UTC (link)
To: Joy
From: Finn
Re: Mushy Love Letter


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2008-01-29 05:10 am UTC (link)
Dear Joy,

I look at you everyday and wonder where I would be if I hadn't decided to accept Psyke's invitation. I wonder if we'd have ended up bumping into each other on the street, or standing behind the other on a line in a coffee shop, or, hell, you being a fan that manages to get past security and have her fantasies fulfilled (don't deny that's what was going through your head at the time). I wonder all this, and I tell myself it doesn't matter because all that matters was that we did meet at on the yacht, we did end up getting together, and we did create the most amazing kid ever to grace this planet.

I know I'm a big grump most of the days, but I'll be honest and say that watching you do your daily routine, shriek about a bug or simply rock Cormac to sleep, it makes my days feel better. They actually feel better, and I know they wouldn't feel like this if you weren't around.

So, what I guess I'm getting at, is that I love you. I never thought I'd say that to another woman in my life but you've gone and knocked me right over and I can't imagine going the rest of my life without you around, because I know I'd end up in the same shithole that I was in before you and Cormac came around. So, I love you, and I want to love you like you should be loved.

And if that wasn't enough, I love you more than quidditch.

Love, Finn

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2008-01-29 04:58 am UTC (link)
To: Moses
From: Miranda
Re: his first baby and what to expect (because obviously she's going to have one before him XD)

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2008-01-29 05:18 am UTC (link)
Dear Momo,

You're going to be a daddy!!!!!! And that means I'm going to be an auntie! Oh oh I am so excited for your triplets, honestly! And because I am such a wonderful mummy to my little Vicki, I am writing you with some pieces of advice!

1) Baby talk is okay. It shows the baby that you love them! It won't stunt their vocabulary, it won't make you look like an idiot; how's a baby supposed to know 'I love you' is a nice thing to hear when you're saying it with no emotion? Baby talk is FINE and your babies will love it so much.

2) Keep wipes everywhere. Think about that one summer where we had a troop of Bugbear Scouts stay for a week and were constantly mopping up and wiping down the counters. Kids are like crawling/walking mess makers. And clean as you go, don't let it pile up until the end of the day or else you'll never ever get it clean and your house will smell of diapers.

3) Don't keep them too far from their auntie and uncles! We won't be able to go a week without seeing the ickle ones, so visit frequently!

4) Please don't give them the same initials. Except we turned out brilliantly, so maybe you should! But most likely you shouldn't.

I've got plenty more advice to give, so if you so desire, I shall bring forth more!

Love ya to bits!

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2008-01-29 05:05 am UTC (link)
To: Tibs
From: Finn
Re: Thank You


To: Tibs
From: Elena
Re: Babies

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2008-01-29 05:20 am UTC (link)
I forgot one.

To: Franzy
From: Miranda
Re: Awkward friend ship letter thing

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2008-01-29 05:38 am UTC (link)

So, I'm not entirely sure if we're still allowed to be friends now that Grease is over and our men situations are stable, but I thought I'd give it a shot. Would you like to go shopping with me on Saturday? I'm kind of stuck with three idiot brothers who know nothing about fashion well, Merrie does but-- and hey, it's been a while, yeah?

I don't want your roommates to say anything about you hanging out with the ditzy Gryffindor because Merlin knows I've made comments about the bitchy Slytherin girls, so I mean, I'll understand if you'd rather sit this one out. But, school's almost out, we're almost in the real world, and I figure it's better late than never to, you know, not care about what House someone's in.

Okay! Well! I'll talk to you later, I guess!


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2008-01-29 05:22 am UTC (link)
To Tibs,



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2008-01-29 05:31 am UTC (link)
Dear Tiberius,

Finny's due in a week and I'm finding that I'm turning into a bat. Or, at least, something nocturnal, not that I'm hanging upside down or anything. Because that would be counterproductive into trying to get this kid out of me. Not that it hasn't been a life-altering, beautiful experience---actually, no, no it really hasn't. I love Finny already with all my heart, but if I could never be pregnant again and have a stork drop in a bunch of beautiful Elena and Tiberius babies, I would.


We should adopt. I mean, think about it! Instant kid! Saving the world, one kid at a time! Oh, Tiberius, I would adopt about ten kids, because I do want a large family, I just don't know how I'd be able to physically do it myself! But if we adopted, we would be doing so much good in the world, and that's what you want to do, right? A ministry official who actually gives a damn about the people of the world? Tibby! Baby! It would be such a brilliant thing! We could visit other countries and Finny would travel the world looking for his siblings!

And, oh--I just thought, isn't that exciting? It would be like that baby drew us to them, that we crossed oceans and traversed into poverty stricken nations and found this one child to bring into our lives and make their entire world a whole lot brighter. Oh, Tiberius, I'm tearing up already and I don't think the hormones are solely to blame!

Love, Elena

P.S. Finny wants nachos.

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2008-01-29 05:26 am UTC (link)
To: Tibs
From: Finn
Re: A heartfelt Thank you

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2008-01-29 05:50 am UTC (link)

Thank you.

All right, so I'm complete crap with this, but what do you want me to say? What do you want to hear? That I look up to you and pride myself in being your little brother? That all throughout Hogwarts I wished I could be as cool as you, and I tried my hardest to become prefect so that maybe I could be as awesome of a head boy as you were? I mean, seriously, Tibs. What can I say that you don't already know? How about I waited until my N.E.W.T.s came in to see if I should go into the auror program before I accepted the contract with the United because I knew you'd rather I go into the ministry? I got in, Tibs, but then you said how awesome it would be to have a pro in the family and I went and signed the contract.

You know that I'd have found myself in some mud puddle on the side of the road because I couldn't stop drinking, and wouldn't have if it weren't for you. You know that when Joy came and told me I was the father, I would've ran for the hills if you didn't sock me one and knock some sense into me. You know that Cormac's going to make it to his seventeenth birthday because Uncle Tibs is going to make sure Da doesn't let him get away with too much.

So, what exactly do you want me to thank you for, brother?


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2008-01-29 05:56 am UTC (link)
To: Liz
From: James
I don't care, just SOMETHING.

To: Remus
From: James
ummmmm advice on how to handle Sirius being an asshole and accusing him of playing both sides XD


To: Alex
From: Gracie

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2008-01-29 06:16 am UTC (link)

I don't know when I'm going to see you again, Lizzie. Dumbledore's come up with something that should keep Harry and Lily and myself safe, but I really don't know. And I can't even tell you any details, because that would put you and your family in danger, and I can't imagine hurting anyone else anymore. It's been three long years, Lizzie, three years since we've left Hogwarts and so many things have changed. Can you believe that we're both married with kids? I don't think either of us could have seen wedding bells and dirty diapers in our future, could you?

I don't know. Lily's asleep, Harry's in his play pen sputtering and flying his toy dragon around because he and Daddy are on the same weird sleeping patterns. I'm glad he's still too young to figure all of this out, you know? Like the war, the fact that Auntie Dorcas isn't going to come around anymore, or Uncle Fabian's not going to to fly him around the yard anymore. He never even met Auntie Marlie, which hasn't stopped hurting, never, not one day.

I really didn't mean for this to become so morbid, Lizzie, I really didn't. I just can't help it. Emmeline was over the other day and I told her to take care of Remus for me. What's happened to me, Lizzie? I used to think I was unstoppable, and now I'm writing out letters as if its my last will and testament. I know that I had accepted the fact that I was going to die young a long, long time ago, but I never had the chance to be ready for it, or to be okay with it. I don't want to be okay with it.

I do know that Harry's going to make it. He is, Lizzie, and he's going to be Sorted into Gryffindor, and he's going to be a seeker, and he's going to change the world. I will let whatever's looking down on us to do whatever it wants to me, so long as my boy keeps going, and I want you to know that I need you to be in his life somehow, Lizzie. I know Dumbledore's got plans, and I'm sorry that I can't tell you them, but I apologize for them, but the moment you can do something, please---

He's crying, I'm going to go see if he'll put on his Halloween costume this time. What kind of kid doesn't want to be a snitch? Honestly. We'll take pictures, so long as you take some of Kit-Kat ( I don't care about how much Ian might hate that name it is cute and she shall forever be my little Kit-Kat).

Love you, Lizzie, hope to see you soon,


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2008-01-29 06:42 am UTC (link)

Don't listen to him. It's been fucking hell, mate, he doesn't know what he's saying. And, I talked to him, all right? We know you're not the traitor, there's no way a Marauder would betray his brother, we know. Things have just been tense, emotions spilling over. Fuck, we just lost the Boneses, everyone's on their wits end.

I don't think you'd betray anyone, Remus. I mean that with everything I have, I'd swear on the map if we still had it.

Just...I guess let it cool down for a bit. Halloween's coming soon, go carve some pumpkins. Harry's being a snitch, you should come over and see if you could get this wings to lift him up a bit. Take your mind off of things. We've got to make the best out of all this, yeah? I know you're not the traitor, Pete knows you're not the traitor, you know you're not the traitor, and when Sirius cools down, he'll punch you in the arm and we'll all be good.


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2008-01-29 07:05 am UTC (link)

Why do you have to be a big shot lawyer? You should be on this book tour with me. Making me sleep all alone in this big soft bed. Bouncy, too, it is such a shame that it can not be put to its full use. And yes, that was a sex joke.

Sex. Sex. SEX. I have been gone for a week, Alex, I do not think we have gone this long without seeing each other since we first started dating. And especially since we first started having sex. I hope you are beginning to regret opening that law firm of yours. If you had not, you would be here right now. I make a lot of money, you do not need to work, you should be here with me and my big comfy hotel bed. Zac can stay with Santiago and Diego and be as happy as can be and not even notice you are gone. See? Very simple.

Deus, I miss you. This is not fair. You would think that God would give me the strength to not whine and complain about missing you all day, but everything I see reminds me of you. There's a carrot, so I think of your hair. I see a picture of an elephant and I think of your ears. I went to a Greek restaurant last night and nearly cried. Actually, I did cry and my agent thought I was insane but I just said "GREEK!" and she understood, I think. No, probably not, but she acts like she did.

Come here. The United States is so boring. There is nothing to do here. Quit your job and come here. Come here now and I promise all we will do is have sex. Promise.

I do not even want to go to sleep because I know I will toss and turn and I hate you for this, you know. Making it impossible to sleep without you. Maybe you should make a copy of yourself to send to the trials and come with me all the time. I think that is a very good plan.

Ay, I have to go. But there better be an owl waiting for me when I get back in twenty minutes or I will be writing another long rambling letter and you will have to suffer about all my sex talk once again. Sex. You are not having sex because you are in England and I am in Maine. Who in the world lives in Maine, anyway?

Give Zac kisses for me (another reason I am miserable, but the sex is overwhelming at the moment!)!



P.S. Take a portkey over here

P.P.S. I am not kidding.

P.P.P.S. Why are you still reading, go get the portkey!

Okay I love you, te quiero, s'agapo!

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2008-01-29 07:10 am UTC (link)
To: Graeme
From: Giada
Re: Something adorkable!

To: Caden

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2008-01-29 07:31 am UTC (link)

So! I can't sleep, and I think it's cause I'm used to being up at night and asleep during the day like an owl or something like that, so I'm currently under the covers with my wand and book and a piece of parchment and-----my ink keeps spilling, as you can see, but thank goodness Savannah taught me some cleaning spells! Any who, my mind is wide awake but I know you're asleep so I'm not going to make your journal vibrate or shake or ring or whatever you did to it to announce that you have comments (mine used to sing Help! but then it started to scare people, so) and wake you up or something. So I'm going to write you a letter that you can wake up to in the morning and start your day off nicely.

Good morning sleepy head!

Eat a good breakfast! I recommend waffles with syrup and strawberries, because that's scrumptious! And will give you all the strength you need to wait all those busy tables and be all witty and cute!

Have a good day!!


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2008-01-29 07:46 am UTC (link)

To Caden Flint,

I know you probably receive bundles of fan mail a day and will probably get to this letter around the time you turn one hundred and twenty, but I thought it was worth a shot. My roommate at Hogwarts is Ellie Bell, Ian Bell's sister, and she was going on the other day about how you lot are the most dysfunctional team ever to have assembled in professional quidditch, but yet you still manage to bring in the league cup and win after win. So, I thought, what the hell. You're never going to read this, anyway.

You've been through a ton of tragic things, how do you make yourself get up every day to go to work? You're one of the best chasers in the league, there must be something other than winning the game and doing your job that gets you going? I hate whining and I hate complaining, but I'm in a rut, and I'm trying to figure out a way to make myself do better. And I used to scoff at people who idolized quidditch stars, but when I see all the troubles you've gone through, I tell myself that there's got to be something to latch onto.

Oh, well, I've rambled on enough. I would ask for an autograph but Ellie's go that covered for us. Good luck in the playoffs! Ravenclaw's rooting for a repeat!

-Emmeline Vance

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2008-01-29 07:26 am UTC (link)
To: Jonathan
From: Megan
Re: Something Sexy.


To: Tom
From: Fiona
(idk if that's an advice letter but Tom says he wants to get his guns...?)


To: Harper
From: Psyke
Re: Stop being a prat. or whatever comes to mind.


To: Noah
From: Macon
Re: Whatever's on his mind.

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2008-01-29 07:54 am UTC (link)

My students are on recess.

They will be on recess for forty-five minutes.

And straight after recess they will be going into the auditorium.

And I will be all alone because I'm supposed to be in prep.

Except I've got such lovely wards and hexes on the doors and window that no one could ever see what's going on in here, so they think I am off doing proper teaching things.

Except I'm not. And my desk is clear. And if you haven't got the point of this letter by now, you don't deserve the very naughty sex I am offering you.


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2008-01-29 08:30 pm UTC (link)

Brianna's pregnant. Get your gun Now, I'm not telling you our exact location yet because as much as I don't think so, Zach's life is necessary. But, I had to talk to you.

I really. Well. They're not talking marriage, I don't think. Maybe that'll change, but, I feel like I should be forcing her into it. Which I'm not. I just cried and hugged her, you know? I mean, what am I supposed to do? Hate her? I'm not exactly one to talk, eloping and getting pregnant within a month. Honestly, doesn't make the situation any better.

I'm more concerned about her career than anything. And, I dunno. Zach's rich, but he's lazy, so I'm worried about that. I'm worried about everything, I'm worried about diapers and wipes and making sure gates are warded and making sure food isn't too hot or the milk isn't too cold or

Well, Brianna's pregnant.

So, you get the picture.

I'll be home tonight.

Love, Fiona

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2008-01-29 09:17 pm UTC (link)

I want koufeta.

And not some of that cheap imitation shit from the corner store or Graciela's because that comes close but it isn't koufeta and I will give you the money to go and buy the portkey but you need to do it now or I swear I am naming your daughter Harpette. I will do it, I swear to God.

Go get me koufeta.

Love, Psyke

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2008-01-29 10:13 pm UTC (link)

So my therapist said-- What is up. How's Eddie? The gift shop just got this cool sticker set that he can use to stick a bunch of stars and other things up on his wall and they glow and all that. They're removable, so.

How's the store? What else am I supposed to talk--- I think maybe I need to pick some stuff up, I dunno I have to check with Donovan. Big lecture coming up.

Erm Anyway. I just felt like dropping a line. Those journals aren't as, you know. They're not as personal I don't think, so I figured a letter would do me-- you some good. I know how busy you are with everything. Oh, tell Noel I found an old scrapbook of hers that she might want.


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2008-01-29 07:15 pm UTC (link)
To Noel, from Noah re: uhm.... baby Terry!

To Jamie, from Miranda re: ... I don't know. Whatever she wants I guess? I can't think of anything. >_> So yes. Whatever she wants. :D

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2008-01-29 10:19 pm UTC (link)



Okay. Do not panic, because if you panic, I will panic even more and I can't panic but I want to panic so don't panic.

Someone had a baby in the bathroom of the planetarium. Like there is an actual baby sitting with me right now because the janitor's out and I was cleaning and I heard crying and I look and there was this baby in a jacket and I don't know what to do and there was a note saying to take him to the stars and how ridiculous is that and I don't know if I should take it to the hospital because what if well I know I have to take it to get checked out but what if they don't let me see it again I mean I have to make sure it's okay because holy fuck I mean you don't just have a baby born in your planetarium every day and

Okay I'm panickingpleasecomenowdontbringMaconIcantdealwithmorethanonepersonrightnowthankyouverymuch


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2008-01-29 10:31 pm UTC (link)

I GOT A PART!!! Oh my gosh I'm so excited and I have a solo and a dance number with Brianna and it's so cool cause we like NEVER get paired up together so it's going to be so cool and Gilly's going to do my hair and Eliza said she had this glitter that I could put in my hair and then Ingrid was like, she has the records at home so she's gonna bring them and we're all going to sing and then we're gonna bring Lucy and Corey cause I mean come on and then we're gonna take over the common room and it's going to be so much fun but I don't know when the show is but I'll be sure to tell you!!1!!

Okay I'll see you in Hogsmeade!!!!

Love Miranda!!

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2008-01-30 02:14 am UTC (link)
UMMMM okay you know what I'm going to say but I'll do it anyway xDDD

RE; whatever she can bear xDDDD

To: Mackenzie
From: Sebastian
RE: something from when they were secret dating in 7th year >]

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2008-01-30 03:06 am UTC (link)
I fucking hate you.

Was that clear enough for you? I hate you, I hate you, Caradoc Evan Dearborn, I hate you with every fiber of my being and I want to scream that I'm glad I can never see that smirking face of yours again.

And I hate you because I can't do it, that no matter how hard I bloody try, I can't honestly admit to myself that I'm happy that you've disappeared off the face of the planet. There is not a one strand of hair on my body that has anything like hate for you, and the fact is killing me more and more each day. I fucking hate what you've done to me, what you do to me, and damn it all if I'll never get over it because you're never coming back and I'll never be able to hex you for it. You are never coming back. Do you know what saying that, what merely writing that does to me? I have nightmares, you know, I bet you enjoy hearing that---nightmares about what happened that night because you left us with no bloody clue, not a hint, nothing.

They're pretty horrid, too. Dragging you away, tearing at your limbs, popping sockets and joints, dreadful, really. And as much as I hate myself for saying this, I hope it was just the killing curse. I hope it didn't hurt, and I hope you didn't know it was coming. Because the thought of you knowing, and again, I would like to reiterate that I hate you for making me feel this way, the thought of you knowing that death was coming makes every bone in my body quake.

Fuck you, this is the worst I've ever felt in my life, and I'm sure you're proud that you're the reason behind it.

I hate you.

I really, really hate you.



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2008-01-30 03:20 am UTC (link)

You look really hot today.

What? I'm allowed to say that. As your super secret boyfriend, I am definitely allowed to say that. Because, clearly, if I wasn't your super secret boyfriend, I would be hexed into oblivion for saying that, as I'm sure that I am not the only male in Hogwarts who was thinking that. It's why the back of Dearborn's cloaks are bright pink (your friends are really mean, it's nearly lunch time and they haven't told him? Goodness).

Any how, you should turn around when you get to this point, because I've got something awesome to show you.

What, my smiling face isn't awesome? Aw, come on, I see your ears reddening, and you just crossed your feet at your ankles, so you're nervous.

Turn around, Missy! Important lesson to be learned!

I'll see you during rounds.

Your super secret boyfriend

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