Darkrai's Log

Battle Search

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Battle Search

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To all Pokemon Trainers whom hold the power of Wifi. I'm looking for battles. Either on the Nintendo DS or via Pokemon Battle Revolution on the Wii. Whichever doesn't bother me. I'm game for either Level 50 or Level 100 battles but not really free battle. With my highest level pokemon only being 60 at the current time, I've no need to get destroyed by massive level 100 pokemon. A fair warning to all who kindly except my request, I EV trained my pokemon and am quite confident in their abilities to bring home the gold and win the battles I'm so hoping to obtain. So to any daring Trainers, I hope I hear from you soon and my thirst for an enjoyable battle shall be filled. and if, by chance, You answer this call while I'm away, Please give your friend code for whichever form of battle you want to have (D/P or PBR) and I'll be sure to list you as soon as possible as well as contact you for the battle. Still, randomly meeting on wifi at the right time is also possible, and such a mark of fate truly sounds like a wonderful backdrop to a magnificent battle. Either way, I shall list both of my friend codes below for you to add if you are so kind.

Pokemon Pearl FC: 2921-7574-2423 (Game Alias: Ryou)
Pokemon Battle Revolution FC: 3609-0043-6981 (Game Alias: Terry)
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