
Wanderlust: The Characters

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Bookish Freaks

Wanderlust: The Characters

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Name: Alistair Mayfare

Hometown: Mannheim, Germany

Age / Birthday: 39, unknown

Personality: Smart. A little crazy. Funny and serious in quick turns, like a well-choreographed ballet that's hard to follow.

Dirty little secret: Might be a bit into drag.

History: Born to a German mother and American military father, Alistair was nothing what you'd expect from a military brat. He was often left in the care of his eccentric German grandparents and developed many of his peculiarities as a result of spending so much time with them.

He's very well educated and considers himself a scholar. He has a huge library in his house, an entire room filled from floor to ceiling with books.

He has an intellectual relationship with Charlotte Hughes. It's hard to tell whether or not he'd like it to be physical, though he lets Charlotte believe that her constant teasing might actually lead to something someday.

Name: Charlotte Hughes

Hometown: Paris, France

Age / Birthday: 20, unknown

Personality: Wild. Seductive. Brilliant. Trouble.

Dirty little secret:

History: Grew up bilingual (French/English). She moved to the States with her mother after her parents divorced. She finished high school in two years, already far ahead in her learning. She graduated college in 3 years.

She haunts the local library as well as every bookstore in a 50 mile radius. She doesn't bother to converse with many people because there are few who can stimulate her. In this way she's too smart for her own good and often very lonely.

She has an intellectual relationship with Alistair Mayfare, though she teases him mercilessly by parading in front of him in her little outfits. She's not entirely certain she wants to ruin what they have with sex. Besides the fact that she's got teasing him down to an art.

Name: Kadie Erhen

Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

Age / Birthday: 32 / unknown

Personality: Driven. Tricky. Ambitious. She'd marry you for your money; she'll seduce you just to steal your wallet.

Dirty little secret: She's stone cold broke. Money is a big motivator for her. She's great at putting on the act of having riches, moving from man to man as she scams her way into some money. She's been through several cities already, burning bridges wherever she can and picking a new city once she's run out of men or the police get interested.

History: Born to Sheila and Frank Erhen in 1976. She grew up in trailer park in Georgia, though she frequently tells people she's from Atlanta. She has a slight accent still, light and lilting southern belle (made tolerable by years of practice).

Her father died of a drug overdose when she was very little. Her mother quickly remarried a man named Greg Stevens. Her step-father was an abusive man who frequently drank and hit the women he lived with. Eventually Sheila and Greg had more children, Kadie's two half-siblings, a boy (Greg Jr.) and girl (Maria) that she doesn't talk about (they received better treatment than Kadie from Greg).

Kadie spent little time at home and learned to fend for herself on the streets. She learned how to survive any way she had to. She used her beauty and feminine wiles to steal from men (and the occasional woman). It became a way of life; now it's ingrained in Kadie, more than just a force of habit.

She was living on her own in Georgia and keeping in sporadic contact with her family. She moved out of the state after an incident involving Greg Jr. (something to do with seduction that ended with a gun shot wound to Jr's left shoulder). She moved from place to place for a long time, using her wiles to blackmail and played the informant to the highest bidder.

Most recently she's on the East Coast, working her mojo in Burnham City.

Name: Bridget Kelly

Hometown: Cork, Ireland

Age / Birthday: 27 / July 7th, 1981

Personality: Filled with wanderlust, Bridget has trouble staying in one place for very long. She is easy-going, though conversely high maintenance.

Dirty little secret: She was married and divorced in Vegas, though she keeps her ex-husband's last name. Her real last name is Westerveldt.

History: Bridget was born and raised in Cork, though her parents were the type to travel and since they had the means to they did. Bridget had seen much of the world in her youth because of her parents willingness to explore it. By the time she reached an age where she could travel on her own she began to visit all the places she'd never been able to explore the way she wanted to.

During her travels she met a man in a town called Las Vegas. It was a quick romance that began and ended quickly, no qualms by either party though she opted to keep his last name.

Name: Claire Hughes

Hometown: Paris, France

Age / Birthday: 20, unknown

Personality: Smart. Sweet. Genuine.

Dirty little secret:

History: Grew up bilingual (French/English). She stayed in Paris with her father after her parent were divorced. Doesn't like to write in English, prefers French. Had a heart transplant surgery last year and is still recovering from the psychological effects. She doesn't like to show the scar on her chest and wears high cut tops to cover it. She has been cloistered in her father's apartment in France, unwilling to leave and connect with others.

Name: R. Sloane Kelly

Hometown: Somewhere in upstate NY

Age / Birthday: 39 / January 5th, 1969

Personality: Sloane is a "mostly" nice guy, but he tends to meander in his affections where women are concerned.

Dirty little secret: His quickie marriage to Bridget is something of a secret. He's never told his best friend Hannah or her sister Haleigh (the woman he really loves).

History: Born Ryan Sloane Kelly, from a very young age he demanded that people call him by his middle name. He has never explained the reason, but he grows surprisingly angry when anyone calls him Ryan.

Sloane lived next door to the Oswald sisters in their youth and met them one day while riding with them to the hospital when Haleigh passed out. He and Hannah became fast friends. He once dated Haleigh when they were teens, but it ended quickly and amicably.

Sloane gives off the impression that he's a terrible slacker, but he's really anything but. He studied to become a family practice doctor and is trying to open his own office. Incredibly smart, but afraid of failure, he fools people into low expectations so that they are always pleased with the results.

Name: Lucas "Luke" Bellows

Hometown: Ontario, Canada

Age / Birthday: 36, unknown

Personality: Excellent sense of humor. Indecisive.

Dirty little secret: Constantly dating younger women, especially the kind that just graduated high school.

History: Has been involved in two car accidents that ended in fatalities. He struggles with depression every year around October and November, a sort of time specific PTSD from the accidents.

He's the saddest character I've ever written.
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