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Bookish Freaks


October 28th, 2010

The Wanderlust Problem

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Bookish Freaks
My problem with Wanderlust (and the reason it never got finished) was that the story was a bit too dark.

There was a silver lining of goofy happiness with Sloane and Bridget; that pair wrote like a giddy dream. Claire, Charlotte, and Alistair had their moments; the overall arch resolved itself on a reasonably upbeat note.

My problem was mostly Luke and by extension Kadie. )

September 28th, 2010

Wanderlust: The Characters

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Alistair Mayfare )

Charlotte Hughes )

Kadie Erhen )

Bridget Kelly )

Claire Hughes )

R. Sloane Kelly )

Lucas Bellows )


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Nanowrimo 2008

32034 words

Excerpt from Chapter Two: Black Magic Marriage

The city is a land of strangers. The sidewalks overflow with throngs of the unfamiliar. Bridget doesn't like being crushed between all these people she doesn't know. She doesn't feel safe, even in broad daylight among so many witnesses.

This is supposed to be the Land of Opportunity. This is the place where all your dreams come true. Except that for Bridget it feels like a continuous Technicolor nightmare. Everything's too expensive, too bright, too loud. She can't find a place to set her stuff down; she can't find a minute to catch her breath.

It feels like she might go crazy if she doesn't find a way out of this place soon. She just needs to find Sloane, give him the goddamn divorce and get the hell out of here.

R. Sloane Kelly hasn't seen his wife since the night they were married.  )
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