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a heart that won't break ([info]miharu) wrote,
@ 2010-12-24 22:27:00

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1up tcg! (activity+trade log)

12/24/10: Joined!
Starter Pack: worldendswithyou05, worldendswithyou16, worldendswithyou05, animalcrossing/animalcrossing08, vandalhearts2/vandalhearts202, wowwotlk/wowwotlk05, corda/corda10, deadoralive4/deadoralive412, ffivds/ffivds16, rockband/rockband18
Distorted Game Cover: mario03, vandalhearts17
Pick a Console: scorpion04, gearsofwar216, madokakijyou14
Lost Christmas: finalfantasyvi14
Lost Christmas: smas09
Image Puzzle: smas17, yuber06, wow20, $5
Memory: renalanford10, animalcrossing11
Missing Mario: haruka07, bloodrayne201
Weekly Freebie: pkmngs07
Doubles Trade-In: worldendswithyou05 for diabolo01
Locations: animalcrossing08, starcraft2wol06
Card Puzzle: deadoralive403, diabloII13
Doubles Trade-In: animalcrossing08 for caocao01
Lost Christmas: tenkuunorequiem16

12/26/10: Weekly Freebie: haruka04
New Decks: fran10, kratosaurion11, lloydirving08, diaochan13, vanille10, assassinscreed09, chronocross07, colettebrunel14, darkcloud05, fran03
Christmas Wishes: $50
Choice Card: worldendswithyou13
Lottery: rekkanoken01, $5
Pick a Console: $20, sonicthehedgehog12, kunoichi02, comicgarden17
Guess the Number: justcause214

12/27/10: Slots: vandalhearts13, talesofvesperia18

1/2/11: Video Game Trivia: princesspeach05, worldendswithyou06, wow05
Guess the Number: tenkuunorequiem15
Pick a Console: diablo01, maddennfl1010, maestro06, $5
Slots: popttt12, wiisports18
Tic Tac Toe: diabloIII06, starocean204, $5
Card Puzzle: starocean203, gearsofwar14
Locations: supermario6418, xenosaga203
Lottery: okami06
Release Dates: shikimihara19, hariyakounoshin01
Memory: codblackops08, colettebrunel13

1/9/11: Guess the Number: fallout315
Pick a Console: princesspeach01, spacechannel520, samuraiwarriors1
Tic Tac Toe: sims208, mariosunshine02, $5
Word Scramble: okami01, worldendswithyou11

1/16/11: New Decks: khbirthbysleep05/11, odinsphere15/18, pikmin02/07, sephiroth11/14, and dante11/19
Update Freebie: kingdomhearts06
Locations: seisennokeifu03, raikou17
Weekly Freebie: fran01
Go Fish: have rekkanoken01 - one match, took pkmngs17
Card Puzzle: fran16, spacechannel511
Pick a Console: cammy07, samuraiwarriors02, finalfantasyx05, panicpalette
Lottery: fran07, $5
QOTDs that I forgot to pick up rewards for: darkcloud10, madokakijyou17

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