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Otto Bagman ([info]ottothisworld) wrote,
@ 2008-02-22 14:06:00

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So, word travels fast.

And I've heard that you almost got punched in the face.

Then again I've also heard that you two were savagely beating eachother with heavy sticks, but I'm not going to believe that one because...well, you'd be home already if that were true.

You're having one hell of a year, kid.


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2008-02-22 09:16 pm UTC (link)
Yeah. The first story's basically accurate. I swear, there's a bounty out for my head.

And now I've got to worry about the bloody match tomorrow on top of all this. The bloke that came after me's a Gryffindor beater. If he can't contain himself in a crowded corridor, how the hell is he going to contain himself when we're on the pitch and he's got a beater's bat in his hand and two rambunctious bludgers on his side?

I just want to get out of here. I don't care anymore. Is there any way that I can take my NEWTs early and be done with it?

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2008-02-22 09:24 pm UTC (link)
And this is all because of a kiss? What the hell, is this girl made out of gold and diamonds or something? The entire school is in a bloody frenzy about it from what I hear.

If I could get you out of there I would, mate.

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2008-02-22 09:31 pm UTC (link)
More like Ralph is off his fucking rocker. I'm done with the whole thing, and...from what I can tell Miranda is. He's just...full of jealous rage.

I could just not finish school and drop out. Because we all know Mum would be supportive of a rash decision like that.

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2008-02-22 09:39 pm UTC (link)
I just find it kind of weird, if not funny, that everyone seems to think it's thier problem, or thier drama to deal with.

Yes. And then you can become a dopefiend and an alcoholic.

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2008-02-22 09:45 pm UTC (link)
It's really annoying to try and deal with on the day to day. Do you think it'd be hard to grow eyes in the back of my head since no one else is going to watch my back for me at this point?

Sounds better than being Hogwarts Most Wanted.

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2008-02-22 10:12 pm UTC (link)
Oh, shut your gob. You're so dramatic. No wonder you got the lead in the musical.

But I'm sure there's a potion out there somewhere, I'll look into it.

Well, chances are if you do become a dopefiend and an alcoholic ,you'll wind up killing someone for drugs and/or booze because you're so far gone, so then you'd become England's Most Wanted.

In other words? It could be worse.

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2008-02-22 10:27 pm UTC (link)
Yeah. I know. This is me after 2 weeks of not talking to anyone about this and letting it just build and build and build.

You're going to be there tomorrow, right?

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2008-02-22 10:48 pm UTC (link)
This could also be you after 2 weeks of everyone looking at you like you're a criminal. Just saying.


I'm kidding, yes, I'll be there.

That was sort of a stupid question, you ass.

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Re: Ludo
2008-02-23 12:08 am UTC (link)
This is very true.

Good. It'll be nice to have you around again.

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2008-02-23 12:20 am UTC (link)
I'm good to have around, mate.

Marissa is coming, too. But believe me, you'll notice.

We'll be the ones in the stands holding a big sign that says "BAGMAN IS THEMAN."

We'd make it flash to "MERRIDEW IS MERRIPOO" but that could cause more trouble than it's worh, even though it could be hilarious.

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2008-02-23 01:06 am UTC (link)
Love it.

Yeah, that might be a bit much. O'Hara's warned me that if I do anything it'll be my head. We're trying to bring back the glory for Hufflepuff, you know? Not that I'd try anything with scouts being there, but.

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2008-02-23 02:07 am UTC (link)
Of course you do!

Eh, yeah. I think I'd be pissed off too, if I were still captain. Not at you persay, but at the fact that this entire situation could muck up a game.

Sigh, I miss the glory days.

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2009-09-15 03:31 am UTC (link)
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2010-05-27 11:54 pm UTC (link)
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