a torch dragged over one hay bale after another, igniting everything

Something something.


Edie 1
ocean skies

Something something.

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Hello hello!

I have the apartment to myself tonight, all the roommates have class.  It's so nice to just be able to sit and play my music without interruption. 

I have a lot of schoolwork to do still, before next week, but I did finish two projects today.  One, a collage on "Fear" for Art & Design Concepts, and a flash animation for Intro to Authoring (along with my style journal that's due tomorrow, though that's not major).  Now all I have to do is write my essay for English 2 and do the first section of my Source Book for Fashion Product Knowledge.

Things are going well otherwise.  No drugs, and if I drink it's very little, and only beer.  I still haven't found a job, but I know a lot of people that are having a hard time with that.  Charlotte apparently isn't the best area to be finding a job. 

I saw some really cute clothes at Target, and I'm wondering if I should get them.  I still have some money on my gift card, but it's only $30 or so.  I should save it for groceries, but... :\

I could've sworn I had more icons on my computer, but I guess I don't.  I'll have to go icon hunting soon. 

In the car today, a song came on that made me think of James.  Of course, thinking about James made me sad.  I wonder if there will be a time when I can think of him and not care.  Or just not be sad. 
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