[icon] I've gotta bust you out of here somehow... -
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Time:09:40 pm
I pretty much fail at updating this thing.

I cannot believe how drastically my life has changed for the better in just one short month.
I got hired to be Physio-Neuro Therapist, so I basically spend my afternoons doing brain training activities with kids who have Autism/Dyslexia/ADD. I get paid WAY more than I did at Starbucks, the hours are regular, and it's just...great. I love it.
The guy I've been in love with off and on for five years has finally started acting like he might be interested in me. Finally - right when I'd decided once and for all to not think of him as more than a friend. But such is life, right? I'm not going to waste my time mooning over him though. I'm more than ok just being his friend. But, if he were to decide he felt anything for me beyond friendship, I would not complain haha.

I couldn't sleep last night, and at about 3:30am I gathered all memorabilia from previous relationships and I got rid of it all.
I felt like such a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Holding on to those things wasn't good for me.
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[icon] I've gotta bust you out of here somehow... -
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