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a mite whimsical in the brainpan ([info]tigerkat24) wrote,
@ 2008-05-15 19:40:00

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Current mood:bored
Entry tags:meme sheep says 'baa'

Meme! (of doom!)
Comment here, and I shall...

a) Tell you why I friended you.
b) Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, etc
c) Tell you something I like about you.
d) Tell you a memory I have of you.
e) Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
f) Tell you my favorite user pic of yours.
g) In return, you must post this in your LJ. (If you want. I won't hold you to it.)

(Post a new comment)

2008-05-16 10:48 pm UTC (link)
I make a comment here!

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2008-05-17 06:12 am UTC (link)
a) I.... actually do not remember why I friended you. It was a very, very long time ago. I think because I knew you through the Boy and GAFF, and you seemed like an awesome person.
b) Most recently, Avatar. Also Finn.
c) You're so clever and quick, and you're always willing to listen to me when I need to bitch. Also, we're the same person.
d) There are so many. But my favorite has to be "Were you listening, Neo? Or were you looking at the strange little man in the red dress?"
e) What attracts you to a fandom? I'm talking about the source material. Is there one common theme, or do you tend to just go case-by-case?

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2008-05-17 01:34 pm UTC (link)
Given my onreyness, it really does tend to be a case by case thing. I do tend to gravitate to shows with fighting of some sort - yet I love Ouran and can't stand DBZ. So.

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from Priscellie
2008-05-17 12:01 am UTC (link)

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Re: from Priscellie
2008-05-17 06:17 am UTC (link)
a) Because you're amazing! You were so entertaining and funny and you posted the best fanart ever.
b) Dresden Files. On that note, HOR.
c) You're one of the nicest, funniest people I know.
d) CAROSELS ARE SRS BIZNESS. I couldn't keep a straight face.
e) Tell me, does the awesome just happen, or do you plan these things?
f) Either or

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Re: from Priscellie
2008-05-18 09:46 pm UTC (link)
a) <3333333333333333
b) True, but I think you are the current reining hor in hordom
c) I am rubber and you are glue, and whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!!!
d) Image
e) It is spoken of in the prophesies. I do my best to interpret the words of my forebears and enact their will. The awesome is a fortunate byproduct.

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2008-05-17 03:15 am UTC (link)
woot for comments

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2008-05-17 06:20 am UTC (link)
a) Because you're Katie. We met through guild, didn't we? I distinctly remember sitting in Denny's and not being able to remember your name.
b) Short Skirt, Long Jacket, by Cake. No, I have no idea why I associate this with you. Also, hair loopies!
c) You're an excellent person and I love being around you.
d) "I've got a question. I just got a bodice dagger and I'm afraid it'll cut me."
What? Me and Puck are the same person, after all.

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2008-05-18 05:20 pm UTC (link)
Ooh! A meme! (And of doom! Those are the very best kind.)

I think that I will have to pass on reposting this, though. Last time I posted something of the sort, I got enough replies that my brain actually exploded, and that took ages to get out of the carpet. ;)

(This is eponymous_rose - for some reason, it's not letting me log in today.)

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2008-05-18 11:46 pm UTC (link)
Eh, I won't hold you to it.

a) You write the most awesome fics! Also, you were seperated from Pris at birth, and have the same bouncyawesome feel to you that makes it impossible not to like you.
b) Doctor Who! Also, I am convinced you are some awesome blend of Tosh and Sarah Jane.
c) You're bouncyawesome, and the funness of weather, and you almost make me want to try science again.
d) Squeeing over the the_chestertons ficathon together and discussing ideas. *nods* That was lovely. Actually, all the Doctor Who squeeing. And the converting to Dresden Files (which I shall complete!).
e) How'd you get interested in Doctor Who, anyway? Alternately, who's your Doctor?
f) Either , because oh Ian, or , because oh Ten.

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