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Lyssandra Vance ([info]lysdexia) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-10-05 20:03:00

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Entry tags:lyssandra vance

All right, so the healers had told her that there she was eventually going to experience mood swing. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that she experienced mood swings before she was pregnant ... so the ones that she was finally getting to now were downright nasty.

Despite the fact that she'd been having a perfectly nice dinner with Tadhg, halfway through it she'd started to think about the fact that Waldo hadn't even made an attempt to contact her about how the baby was doing in a long arse time and she'd started to become irritated by that thought. By the end of their meal she'd fallen silent and was very obviously irked (although she hadn't said a word to Tadhg about why). She'd headed into the living room scowling and dropped onto the couch to listen to the wireless, arms crossed over her chest. Merlin, they could practically rest on her belly. All right, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but still.

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2008-10-06 03:23 am UTC (link)
For as long as he'd known her, Lyss had always been somewhat moody. Mostly, it had always just kept things interesting, but there were definitely times that it could be annoying. Such as now. Hell, Tadhg had COOKED. He'd done his damnedest to show her that he was willing to pick up some familial responsibilities and whathaveyou, and what did she do? Pout and stomp off out of nowhere for no bloody apparent reason. Scowling, Tadhg shoveled a few more forkfuls of mashed potatoes into his mouth. They weren't even halfway done eating yet and, after all that cooking, he was starving.

Very briefly, Tadhg entertained the idea of finishing up his meal, maybe hers, and THEN going out to figure out what was all upset over, but then decided that it might not have been the best idea, after all. Sighing heavily, Tadhg dropped his fork down onto the plate with a loud clatter and stood, shoving his chair under the table behind him before making his way out to the living room. Frowning, Tadhg leaned his shoulder against the doorframe and watched his girlfriend quietly for a minute before finding something to say, "What've you got your knickers in a bundle for now, pet?"

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2008-10-06 03:26 am UTC (link)
"You mean aside from the fact that I'm slowly turning into a walrus?" And yes, she knew that she was being so stereotypically pregnant that she wanted to scream, but ... well, she was allowed, right? She definitely wasn't going to just tell Tadhg out of nowhere that she was thinking about Waldo and the baby because he'd never really taken well to her thinking about other men when they were dating before and now was probably ... even worse, considering that Waldo was a celebrity or whatever.

She huffed and dropped her head back against the cushions of the couch, glancing up to the speckled roof and not looking at Tadhg. "It doesn't matter. I'll get over it." Until then he'd just have to weather her being a gigantic bitch.

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2008-10-07 05:33 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, stop," Tadhg said, closing the gap between the doorway and the couch with a few quick, easy steps. He nudged the coffee table out of the way with his shin as though it were a piece of styrofoam, then he bent over and picked her up. Tadhg was built like a Belgian workhorse, minus the hooves, four legs, mane, tail, and other horse-like qualities. Basically, he just had a muscle mass that could easily be compared to a Belgian workhorse. Carrying her back into the dining room, he put her down by her chair and pulled out her chair, indicating that she should sit.

She was crazy. "Sit," he vocalized, "You're going to feel like a bloody walrus because you're pregnant, so you should probably be eating like one. You barely ate! C'mon, Sands, I cooked this and set the bloody table!" Tadhg twisted his mouth into a scowl. He wasn't a big fan of doing things for no reason, and he didn't like the amplified moodiness that Lyssandra's pregnancy caused. Hell, it wasn't even his FAULT that she was pregnant, was it? Nope. So she should ... just eat her damn food.

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2008-10-08 12:19 am UTC (link)
It took a great deal of restraint not to squirm like a petulant child when Tadhg picked her right up from the spot where she hadn't been planning to leave it for several hours and possibly after making him go get some ice cream and pizza. She scowled nonetheless, though, and remained standing with her arms crossed over her chest.

"You only think that I barely ate because you eat enough to feed a small army yourself," she retorted, frowning firmly. She looked at the food for several long moments before she dropped herself back down in her chair and resumed eating, pointedly not looking at Tadhg. Because then she'd do something awful like cry, and he didn't deal well with crying.

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