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Alfred F. Jones ([info]alfredfjones) wrote in [info]arthurkirkland,
America took the coats of his two new guests and lead them into the living room.

“We were watching the football game. It is the New England Patriots playing against the Dallas Cowboys. Kumajiro ate the dinner so we are gonna have to order pizza.”

Canada came back in the room. He sighed as he dropped onto the couch next to France, taking a swig of his soda. The sunflowers in a vase next to him almost seemed to be trying to stroke his hair. “I put Kumajiro in one of the rooms in the basement... Why is Arthur here too?”

“Ah, Angelterre’s flight was also canceled and I could not leave him there to terrorize the poor workers. I hope this will not be a bother Amerique.”

“I wish you had given me some warning before this old loser had shown up. I only have two guest rooms, but me and Matty can share a bed.”

Matthew thought he saw a man with a long scarf looking at him through the window. Suddenly, he grabbed onto the nearest person he could find. He felt warm arms around his face. Matthew looked up and saw Francis smiling down at him.

“It is nice to see you too. However, now you must pay the price,” and without warning France began to mercilessly tickle Canada. This was not one of Francis perverted attempts. It was just an honest family reunion.

Alfred smiled for his brother. There was a bit of melancholy hidden in it. He didn’t like to admit to himself that he was sometimes a bit jealous of the relationship Matthew and Francis had. He excused himself to go order the pizza. He walked into the kitchen and then stopped. He couldn’t stop himself from thinking. Why did Francis have to bring Arthur over for Christmas? Alfred always complained to himself that Arthur never spent any holidays with him, but a part of him thought that his former big brother would ruin his time with his Matthew. Francis was okay as long as Alfred kept his hands in sight, but he didn’t want to have to spend his Christmas taking care of a drunk.

With a growl, America tore open the fridge and took anything alcoholic out and began dumping it down the sink as he simultaneously began to hit speed dial on his cell phone. Number four on speed dial was the best pizza place in the area.

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