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Alfred F. Jones ([info]alfredfjones) wrote in [info]arthurkirkland,
“MATTHEW! STOP YOUR POLAR BEAR!” Alfred screamed from inside the house.

“KUMAJIRO! GIVE THE HAM BACK!” Matthew also screamed.

The two were chasing a polar bear who had decided that he wanted the ham for himself and did not want to share with two nations and an alien. Alfred attempted to tackle his brother’s pet, but missed as it slipped around a corner. Alfred painfully crashed into a wall and let out a string of curses that would have made England proud. The polar bear was going to run into the basement but was met head on by Tony, Alfred’s alien friend. Tony smirked at the bear and fired his ray gun, stunning the creature. Finally, the two panting blonds caught up. The three were busy giving each other congratulatory pats on the back when they noticed the doorbell being rung incessantly.

“I’ll go let Francis in. He is probably freezing.”

Alfred’s socked feet almost slid out from under him as he ran to answer the door. He threw it open. He would freely admit that he was very surprised to see Arthur with Francis, fully clothed and sober.

“Hey Arthur, this is New England, your place is on the other side of the ocean,” he said without thinking.

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