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Vincent Amorason ([info]quitethecharmer) wrote in [info]artofcreation,
Despite the intensity of his tone, and the confidence he's exuding, Vincent is rather gentle. He helps her out of her clothes slowly and purposefully, fingertips trailing over every new curve that gets revealed. He lets her leave the boots on. They're monstrous things, and besides the fact that they make her calves look exceptional, it'd throw off the pace he's setting to deal with them just now.

He discards the shirt, and sits down next to her, before suddenly picking her up by the waist and seating her in his lap. He returns a hand to between her legs and lets the other take the pin from her hair, letting it spill down her back in vivid red waves. "You are breathtaking..." He growls, before just drinking in the feeling of his chest to hers, the luxurious feeling of as much skin on skin as possible.

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