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Rosemarne Malinowski Doge (D'argente) ([info]avant) wrote,
@ 2008-11-17 19:28:00

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I have a present for you, but you have to come to bed to get it.

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2008-11-18 03:38 am UTC (link)
Is it a dog? Because I don't really like dog hair on my pillow and sheets.

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2008-11-18 03:39 am UTC (link)
...no, no it is not.

What if it was a big dog, though?

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2008-11-18 03:42 am UTC (link)
Okay good then. What is it then?

Then he can sleep on top of the covers, at the foot of the bed, only when he's scared though. Otherwise he's in the pet room. Or on the couch.

How big? Like. Great Dane big?

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2008-11-18 03:43 am UTC (link)
Great Dane big! Like, two Great Danes.

And it is a surprise! You have to come in and find out.

But leave your pants at the door.

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2008-11-18 03:52 am UTC (link)
Two? You really do have dogs in there, don't you?

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2008-11-18 04:00 am UTC (link)
I do not, for godssake!

Do you think I'm ugly? ):

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2008-11-18 04:07 am UTC (link)
Why the idea of two puppies?

No, of course not! You're beautiful.

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2008-11-18 04:09 am UTC (link)
Well, so they wouldn't be lonely if we weren't paying attention to them.

Then why aren't you in here yet?

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2008-11-18 04:31 am UTC (link)
Oh. Well maybe we should go look for some.

Because I thought you wanted me to come in with the dogs and my pants off.

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2008-11-18 04:41 am UTC (link)
There are no dogs, but you can still come in here.

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