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Kayla Marie.

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[Mar. 31st, 2008|08:51 pm]
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[Current Mood | blah]

Today was poop. I swear none of the office cashiers or managers beside Mrs. Naomi actually like me. & I'm not even sure why they doesn't like me. I work fucking hard. Probably one of the hardest working cashiers there beside Lashay. God, they piss me off. I never get my lunches on time or even get a break. Which really kills my knees & back. It hurts my back SO bad to bend over. It's really sad since I'm only 19. Haha. I'm pathetic. Also I had the WORST cramps I've had in like two years during work. Ew.

Well, I made it to 106. I'm a gym freak. It's weird.

I talked to my mom tonight. it's been awhile. Well since like the 12th. God, I miss her way too much. She might own a bagel shop soon if the people she works for can get ahold of the people who are selling a building. That would be so awesome for her. It makes me so happy that she is actually happy now and enjoys her job and has friends. Even though I miss her more and more everyday. I wish I could convice Hunter to move to Florida and be an EMT. :[ I'm just so scared to bring it up because he is the biggest momma's boy. I don't think they would stand even living in a different city from each other. I mean we live RIGHT across from her subdivision. And they talk on the phone every day! Haha.

Oh well.