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Kayla Marie.

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[Mar. 15th, 2008|05:38 am]
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I don't know what's wrong with me.
I get upset over nothing all the time.
I just get frustrated with him because he
doesn't understand that I do not have
friends that I can stay the night with like
he can. So, I hate it when he does cause
I hate being left at our apartment alone.

So I feel like I'm being a dick & keeping him from
having fun so I give in & spend my night sulking.

& it's so hard explaining myself to him sometimes.
like that I have no one here in Mississippi really.
Anyone I do have is at college a couple hours away.
Both my parents & siblings live in other states.
He's all I have.

Hunter's job is going to kill me once he truly finishes
school & becomes a paramedic thingy.
6am - 10pm. Today.. God, I miss him so much.


From: [info]hippies
2008-03-22 03:30 pm (UTC)


Add me, babe! This is Stephanie/Kyt. :]
From: [info]capricorn
2008-03-24 07:05 pm (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]bella_virg0
2008-04-17 03:34 pm (UTC)


[info]harsh - can you make it in?