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Casey Flynn ([info]bornlucky) wrote,
@ 2010-12-01 18:29:00

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First Ultrasound (Dated to December 16)
It was like a switch went off in his head. Sure Casey had known for a few months now that he was having a baby and mentally he did understand that but it had taken until now for it to really click in his head that it was really happening.

There just was something about seeing it on the ultrasound that made it seem so much more real to him. It was his little baby appearing on the screen and despite the big deal he had made that was letting him keep the baby to raise it this was the first time he had really thought of it as his, the life he had helped create and would soon be responsible for.

He was actually beginning to think through all the stuff he was going to have to do to take of his baby and what this was going to cost him. Maybe he should really start working on getting started on this or at least do some research into it.

Vanessa seemed to be handling all of this pretty well to, though still didn’t want to keep the baby. Though they did sleep together a couple more times since all of this had started though after this he wasn’t sure he could continue doing that, it just seemed like to awkward of a threesome for him.

The doctor said at the end of the check up with the ultrasound that everything seemed fine and that the baby was healthy and wanted to know if they wanted to know the sex of the baby because they had been able to find out. She didn’t really seem to care either way but Casey was curious about it and said sure he wanted to know. Which was when the doctor gave him the biggest news of the day.

“Congratulations you’re having a boy,” The doctor said.

Casey just started grinning like an idiot. He was having a baby boy and for the first time was actually kind of excited that he was having a baby.

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