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Casey Flynn ([info]bornlucky) wrote,
@ 2010-06-21 01:42:00

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Excalibur either as a group or as individuals pisses off a bunch of leprechauns.
2.       Leprechauns decide to get back at the whole team by using a powerful magical spell which traps the team inside BBC while the Leprechauns go and have some fun in London.
3.       The team starts off in teams of two were they have to survive an episode of a TV show.
4.       After that the teams join and become teams of four and repeat the process with new shows.
5.       After that the whole team completely regroups were they have to survive another TV show.
6.       After that while still trapped in the TV the team confronts the leprechauns who are surprised that the team survived.
7.       After beating the Leprechauns the team escapes leaving the leprechauns trapped in there place.

Possible show ideas

Doctor Who
Robin Hood
Hospital Drama
Reality TV
Soap Opera
Top Gear

Possible effects of being in TV verse
Appear dressed in Cloths that fit the show
Have knowledge that fits with who the character is supposed to be(Doctor gains advanced medical knowledge while in that show)
Powers might not work right

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