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Dinah Kord

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[May. 5th, 2011|11:09 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]bwa_ha_ha
2011-05-10 12:32 am (UTC)


1) Dinah had grown from finding Pippi annoying the hell out of her, to tolerating her, to just being gobsmacked by her, to genuinely liking her over the course of some time already, but didn't actually grow to truly consider her a friend until she asked Pippi to help her get ready for her Prom date with Riley.

2) Protecting Pippi (and Mitzi too) from the combined forces of the Raiderettes and Mad Moms further helped to cement this friendship.

3) Though it was put to the test pretty heavily when the two were stuck on a deserted island for three months, without their powers, when Riley accidentally caused a time sphere accident. Dinah shamefully admits she occasionally had thoughts about beating Pippi over the head with a coconut until the chatter stopped.

4) A few years down the line, Dinah asked Pippi to be her wedding planner. It actually worked out pretty well.

5) After the incident at the zoo ("I talked the polar bear back into his cage afterward!"), Pippi was not allowed to watch Cameron (Dinah and Riley's daughter) unsupervised again.