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Jai West ([info]fastasyoucan) wrote in [info]cantkeepmeout,
Jai and Tula
A. Lisa West
B. Libra
C. Sometimes one gets a chance with a childhood crush, and sometimes, it really works out.
D.  photo JennaLouiseColeman.png Jenna Louis Coleman
E. Five Random Facts
1. Nickname as a kid was the Torpedo, for the way she zoomed through the water at ridiculous speeds
2. Loved to race with her dad, him running atop the water, and she in it, though she knew he let her win. Loves him for that though.
3. Always thought Ariel was rather lame for pining away at a guy like that. Besides, why have a guppy when pufferfish were so much better as a sidekick? She had one of her own.
4. Uncle Cerdian has taught her almost everything she knows about talking to sea life, she's quite good at it too.
5. Joined the Teen Titans and made it her personal goal to disprove all those Aquaman jokes. Atlanteans are far from lame.

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